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09/24/2004 03:02 #33457

I'm getting started with that. I'm setting goals for myself. I can do it. I have it in me. Yes, yes. OK well, I'm trying. I've accumulated a lot of shit during my during year here. Now I'm trying to organize it into squares

09/23/2004 18:21 #33456

once an asshole always an
Matthew has inspired me to write about my endangered animal project I completed for the PTA meeting when I was 11. I was in the sixth grade trailer (overcrowded school) class with Mrs. Higgans for a teacher.
Mrs. Higgans had know me for years because when I was 7 I became close friends with her daughter Kristen. I even spent the night over there once but then Mrs.Higgans transferred Kristin to another school closer to their home so that Kristin would be able to make friends around her town. My child heart was broken by that. I would play this song on the fox and hound soundtrack over and over,
when you're the best of friends having so much fun together you're not even aware you're such a funny pair, life's one happy game.
I was sure that Mrs. Higgans didn't like me because I taught Kristen and her younger siblings how to play Bloody Mary in the bathroom. That scared the shit out of those two little ones (a 3 and 5 yr. old). I remember the baby, Allison, falling out of her bed that night due to a nightmare.
Years later I was put into Mrs. Higgans sixth grade class. A class that I refused to the normal work in. I drew pictures and braided tiny sections of hair over and over. I believe my peers were starting to look at me as an odd person but I wasn't that odd. I walked around the playground in circles with the cool girls in my class and we practiced our swearing.
One day Mrs. Higgans told us we had to do a presentation for the PTA on an endangered animal. She partnered me up with Marie who was a less fortunate girl in a few ways. You could always tell who was kind of poor by their hygiene and clothing, especially with kids. Well, Marie was poor but also dimwitted which is sad. She was a nice girl but I was upset to be her partner and I talked to Mrs. Higgans about it in private. Myself, a child who had made at least 10 F's already that year pulled Mrs. Higgans aside and said "Mrs. Higgans I can't work with that girl, she's stupid." Mrs. Higgans told me that she's knows and that's why she made us partners so I could help Marie.
I ended up doing all the research on the Jaguarundi and making a costume out of a pillow case. The Jaguarundi is a small and wild cat from Texas, something like that. I may be spelling Jaguarundi wrong. I was so bad. I put that pillow case on my head and went up and read that stupid paper to stupid parents at the stupid PTA meeting. I wouldn't let Marie do shit. I wanted to sport my beautiful homemade cat pillowcase mask and at the same time I needed to read the report because I knew how bad Marie was at reading aloud. I was being selfish over bullshit. I wanted to do a good presentation. awwh, it's still confusing.

09/23/2004 17:38 #33455

Cesus Jhist
I've got so much shit to do. This adult stuff I can't take it! I need someone to do it for me. Who wants to transfer my car titles, apply me for NY residency, pack clean and move my belongings, write letters to leasing offices, and all that boring bull shit? I hate it. I need a secretary.

09/22/2004 02:37 #33454

happy meal confessions

They do make me happy and the people who work there are nice. I always say thank you and smile. Thank you for serving me this delicious meal because I know you only get about 50 cents to do it but I am so very hungry and helpless to produce the energy necessary for cooking or even thinking about what I would want to cook. Thank you fast food workers all the world round.

I'm also happy to see the church is back on elmwoodstrip.

09/20/2004 18:34 #33453

tired and mad
Frustrated at the software, fucking uninstalled needed to teach editing, double damn.