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09/25/2004 15:20 #33461

Keith and Jon are my friends and we get along pretty well. Last night I was looking down from the neighbors window at Keith being drunk stumbling around the yard and I realized what a great Frankenstein he would make in his intoxicated state.

09/25/2004 15:16 #33460

The packing is going. I'm washing clothes now. I'd feel better if those leasing fuckers would do what they said. I've never had these kind of problems moving into a place before. All I wanted was the stupid drop ceiling out and if they said no that was fine I would have found another place but that idiot said he would fix it and then went and knocked holes in the wall.
I'm frustrated. I think I can find another apartment pretty easily but Keith and Jon would be fucked by that but why the hell should I care. Keith pisses me off sometimes. Like when he rode his bike over here yesterday and said "What are you going to do now, Robin can't get her way, blah blah. " making fun of me and that really pissed me off and in fact there are plenty of options all involving money and physical activity but they're options nonetheless and I feel so fed up and confused.

09/25/2004 09:40 #33459

finding things


09/25/2004 08:26 #33458


I should be packing and I slowly am but... I get distracted in the process of packing. I'm not so great at this organization of domestic space thing but today is the day to do what I need to do.
Keith called me at 3:30 and I woke up and went over at about 4:30am. Keith, Jon, and Harrington were drinking on the porch with the neighbors. I went and hung out with the upstairs neighbors for a while. They were watching movies with a redheaded step child. I wonder where that redheaded step child expression came from?
I went and looked at my bedroom where the maintenance and taken a hatchet to the wall. Then I went and hung out on the neighbor's porch with Keith, Jon, Harrington, McKayla, Paul, and the pretty girl with the dog. Keith said he said he was retiring for the evening and within minutes he was out on the porch in boxers. We were looking over at him from the other porch when a large and round man in a black shirt with red and round flowers on it came cruising down the sidewalk on his bike. That moment is going to be transferred to my long-term memory, I'm pretty sure.
Then Keith came over and kidnapped the pretty girls dog. We speculated that it was an attempt to lure the pretty girl over for a necked dance party. Keith apparently has a reputation for being a romancer.
I left and gave baby Harrington a ride home. He showed me where he's moving this weekend. Jesus, I'm frustrated with the leasing people. This maintenance crap is their job and if they were incapable of doing the job they should have told me and that would have helped me and Keith and Jon wouldn't have to worry about it either. They're thinking of actually hiring someone to do it but I'm just getting pissed at the building owners. I'm going to continuer packing know. I'm going to post my progress on here in a couple of hours, that way I'll feel like a failure if I don't get things started well.

09/24/2004 03:02 #33457

I'm getting started with that. I'm setting goals for myself. I can do it. I have it in me. Yes, yes. OK well, I'm trying. I've accumulated a lot of shit during my during year here. Now I'm trying to organize it into squares