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09/19/2004 08:30 #33451

A Sad Good-bye
I love my bathroom. I just went in there leaving behind the yellow lamp light in my bedroom and the smell of cigarette and incense smoke to be confronted with the new light of day pouring through the frosted window onto the glistening white bathtub below (this is good because it's the only clean part of the room) the smell of Dial soap wafting up.
I'm going to miss my bathtub. The one at Keith and Jon's has all these stupid, so you don't slip, whales in the bottom, and also Keith and Jon's toe funk. I gotta get some scrubbing bubbles for that shit.

09/18/2004 07:01 #33450

Full recovery
I've made a full recovery from my excessive martini drinking Thursday night. I didn't think I was going to for a while there but after some pepto-bismol, ginger ale, sleep and time my stomach is feeling much better.
I went to the art opening at Cepa. They had good things there, lots of artist books. I want the palm reading book for myself. They also had a reel of videos happening. One of the videos had close up shots of foliage shaking in a breeze combined with the sounds of an audience cheering. It was a beautiful combination.

Stickboy, I have a Jung book you can borrow. You could also rent Waking Life and that might help.
Where is the term subconscious from? As far as I know Freud and Jung always talk about the unconscious. I wonder who started the subconscious thing.

09/16/2004 22:45 #33449

lordy lord
this moving thing is going to happen soon i reckon.
I'm dangerous with my student loan money.
I bought some heels today, so bad, so bad.

09/15/2004 07:16 #33448

life in buffalo
I read Death in Venice over the night. It makes me sad for many reasons. I can't understand the main character, Aschenbach. He falls hard-core for a teen when he's 50. I could never love a boy like that. I mean sure I can admire and desire but these things occur pretty much everyday so I guess my feelings can never be as intense as Aschenbach. Maybe if I live to be 50 I can be so intense but I doubt it. I'm to twisted already.
or course Aschenbach totally sucks for the most part, no fun at all. He was trying in the end there but then he just upped and died before he even got the chance to jack off a beautiful 14 yr. old. He never even spoke to the kid.

And soy, I agree about how you should want to do something rather than be told to, but at the same time, when you make yourself a student you are subjecting yourself to certain demands.

09/15/2004 01:57 #33447

way to personal
I don't understand the reasons why Soyeon is shy about her dreams. Is it because people can hold it against her? Why does it matter what people say and think? That could be why I'm not to concerned about most my screwy dreams, I try not to give a shit about what people think of me (this doesn't mean that I'm not dreadfully curious about it) so therefore I don't give a shit what I think of other people.
for instance, if Soyeon wrote that she dreamed of copious amounts of sex with barnyard animals I might say whoa, that's pretty out there, and maybe even tease her about it but in the end it wouldn't effect our friendship. A dream is just the bits of your memory attempting to make sense out of this fucked up existence (and your memories come from all over, actual life, books, television, things people have told you, things you have seen, etc.) I'd love Soyeon even if she dreamed of murdering me and eating my cervix.
What is the point of hiding things? If you hide something is it because you assume that someone is interested? more than likely if you disclose your personal information people will have no interest at all. It could make a person interested if you know something that they don't but... I have no idea, I'm just rambling.

Speaking of boring the hell out of others
I dreamed tonight that I had a suitcase with cadberry eggs that Tony Conrad gave me for my 29th birthday (even though I was aware that I was still 23 in the dream) also Liz moved in with my old roommate Kristin and Kristin gave me a wood pipe.

hmmm... I'm sure that is fascinating ... yes.