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Robin's Journal

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09/09/2004 15:14 #33442

My apartment is chilly for the first time in weeks. I woke up and put on one of my sister's old boyfriends shirt. It's comfortable. I need to straighten up in here. I wonder how I'm going to fit all this junk into keith and jon's place?

09/07/2004 12:39 #33441

the alarm clock battle
Whenever I have to get up before my body desires to I am reliant on the terrible screeching of 3 alarm clocks. Usually I hit snooze for around an hour and then get up.

09/01/2004 20:05 #33440

hello journal
Today was a damn good day. Tony split open a watermelon while illuminated by a red light. Then he gave us all a piece. We were talking about surveillance and cyber sex for the most part but they didn't call it cyber sex it was online video sex or something. I think Tony was arguing that it's a great form of birth control and protection from std's. I don't like the idea. Sex needs bodies.
I never got around to talking about my thing I've been thinking about but that's ok.
My second day of teaching went fine. I was so uncomfortable and nervous the first day. It's difficult but I think I'm getting better. I showed them a reel of work from my undergraduate school and they liked Andy's video's.
One of my students built this web site
It's a little strange because I have 17 male students and only one female, funny.
I'm thinking about showing a Paul Morrissey film but I showed trash to Soyeon last night and she doesn't think my students are ready for that kind of thing but I think they'll be fine. I have a reading to go with it...

08/29/2004 18:53 #33439

byebye to summer
Today has been so nice and slow. Tomorrow a zillion years of school school school! Time to take a bath and head to school a day early to work on sound from the Kino thing. I have thirty minutes to get there so I'm going to be late. One long relaxing bath then I'll start.
The clutter inside of my place is once again driving me insane. It could be that the heat and the smell of stale smokes is contributing a great deal to my discomfort in my own space. When I first got home from Georgia I was shocked to return to my mess. I have pile of old cards in my bedroom floor. I cut them up for a collage but never got around to in. In the middle of my living room floor is a half finished girl scout 1965 collage. A severe mess has built up around that.
Looking around I see, ginger ale, co cola, change, lighters, panties, dishes, keys, bread, boots, sneakers, socks, Wendy's cups, an old art voice, a crotched hat, paper towels covered with oil paint, pony tail holders, a mirror, glue, books, tampons, hair rollers, an obituary for a boy i grew up with, umbrella, belt, fabric, photos, CDs, a nail file, light bulbs, wrappers and old cigarette boxes, plastic bags, pens, toilet paper, an old car phone, a type writer, eye shadow, a birthday party blow thing, a wallet, purses, a blanket, tapes, paper bag, towels, old mail, a rain jacket, dirty clothes, , a ruler, a sketchbook, perfume, a recorder, cell phone box, broom, platform sandals, suitcase, ford toboggan, a tin with sewing needles, cigarettes and butts. That's about it.

08/28/2004 19:57 #33438

just just silly
I've only now recovered from a night of excessive drinking, tequila to whiskey to rum to beer to vodka. My body is still cursing me. Time is speeding up. I knew it would.
Happy genuine day of birth to Terry.
I had a silly dream in my drunker slumber.
I was at a house in the country speaking to Soyeon on the phone. She was actually sitting next to me on the couch but then these people broke into the house and Soyeon was on the phone somewhere else. I told her "Call the police, call the police" I was pretty sure that the people wanted to burn me alive and eat me or something.
One guy grabbed my hands and crossed them over each other. He said don't move. I asked him if I could at least have some kind of drug to ease my suffering. He gave me a rufenol. Then he started caress my genitals through my clothes and saying, look at her hair it's so dark and soft. He found the place where my vagina opens so I asked him, why don't just you fuck me? He said ok and started, this was a pleasurable experience for me. I felt a distinct separation between my mind and body but at the same time they were together. I could hear my self making sounds but it was as if they were coming from somewhere else. The guy came in three thrust.
Turns out that the people were just a group of nomads who travel around. I think I could have joined them if I'd wanted.