The teen people was more at my current level of intellectual thinking. I got to see the emaciated body of the beloved full house baby, who's hot and who's not.
I just went to their web site and tried to find out about advertising. I wonder how much it would cost to get a full page into Teen People magazine? I could have fun making a page for that but to advertise something you have to be selling something. I have to think of something to sell. They say sex sells and I'm sure sex is jam packed in there between Brittany spears cleavage but it still doesn't sound right to say you're selling sex to teens but aren't they already doing that?
Yesterday I went to some shops with my mom. We went in this one shop called Jacobs well

Last night I watched an episode of the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles for the first time since I was 10 or so. [inlink]robin,85[/inlink]. The episode was called April Foolish and April the news reporter was mistaken for the princess while trying to get a story. The turtles of course had to go rescue her and in the end she learned that a disguise is a great way to get a story. I must have wanted a team who teenage mutant turtles who were so in awe of my sex that they'd stalk me, just like April.