I went to Keith and John's to talk about this moving stuff. They were working on some video stuff that they're setting up at a show Wednesday night. It's at Mcgarrets. These guys we know are playing, nice, talented guys. They play instrumental stuff, personally I like lyrics and Ben(player) does to but the other guys just don't like his singing but fuck it I'm going. Yawl should come on out.
Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/25/2004 04:49 #33437
a night08/23/2004 04:27 #33436
The UnthinkableIt looks like I'm moving in with Keith and John in a week or so, good lord!
The drive back from Georgia was crazy, the party I encountered at 1 in the morning was even more crazy. Poor Mike, I felt so bad for him when he was trying to pass out and we were singing happy birthday and taking pictures. I was comatose quickly after my first drink and smoke. It was a wild party, so many dancers. I wonder where all those people came from?
I was in Owego, NY at the experimental Television Center when I turned 21. Pam Hawkins made me a screwdriver and then I walked down to the gas station with my buddy Al Mill and bought us a 6pack of Heineken.
We were sitting on the street drinking when I encountered my first Yankee redneck. He was a tall, skinny and friendly fellow. He told us to watch out for the cops. Al Mill was afraid the Y RN was after me but I just knew he was a nice guy ... and he was. If only my character perceptions were always correct.
The drive back from Georgia was crazy, the party I encountered at 1 in the morning was even more crazy. Poor Mike, I felt so bad for him when he was trying to pass out and we were singing happy birthday and taking pictures. I was comatose quickly after my first drink and smoke. It was a wild party, so many dancers. I wonder where all those people came from?
I was in Owego, NY at the experimental Television Center when I turned 21. Pam Hawkins made me a screwdriver and then I walked down to the gas station with my buddy Al Mill and bought us a 6pack of Heineken.
We were sitting on the street drinking when I encountered my first Yankee redneck. He was a tall, skinny and friendly fellow. He told us to watch out for the cops. Al Mill was afraid the Y RN was after me but I just knew he was a nice guy ... and he was. If only my character perceptions were always correct.
08/20/2004 00:12 #33435
ah08/19/2004 01:23 #33434
I'm waitingI'm going to start my drive Friday morning. I want to make it to the party so I have to drive drive and drive. I'll get there and say, I drove all the way from Georgia for this party.
08/18/2004 16:52 #33433
Endless MediaThe video game football is endless at Andy's.They play everyday, Chris, Ben, Matt, and other guys (except Andy). They even have two different games. Chris says one sucks but Ben loves both. I was watching them play(the one that doesn't suck) a minute or two ago. One of the audience members has a sign that read Corso for president. It turns out that Corso is the announcer on the game. I started thinking about how an announcer could be a good president. He could go to the boring political meetings and announce what they are doing in an excited way, unacceptable behavior for the environment. How is a senate meeting different than a football game? How is it alike? I'm not the best person to ask because I don't know shit about either one. I should try to find out.
The teen people was more at my current level of intellectual thinking. I got to see the emaciated body of the beloved full house baby, who's hot and who's not.
I just went to their web site and tried to find out about advertising. I wonder how much it would cost to get a full page into Teen People magazine? I could have fun making a page for that but to advertise something you have to be selling something. I have to think of something to sell. They say sex sells and I'm sure sex is jam packed in there between Brittany spears cleavage but it still doesn't sound right to say you're selling sex to teens but aren't they already doing that?
Yesterday I went to some shops with my mom. We went in this one shop called Jacobs well
. When we reached the back of the shop I ran into a big cardboard cut out of George Bush. He had a book shelf where his torso should have been and the title of book was a man of faith.
My Mom said look there's your favorite person. I said "thats disgusting and left the store.
Last night I watched an episode of the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles for the first time since I was 10 or so. [inlink]robin,85[/inlink]. The episode was called April Foolish and April the news reporter was mistaken for the princess while trying to get a story. The turtles of course had to go rescue her and in the end she learned that a disguise is a great way to get a story. I must have wanted a team who teenage mutant turtles who were so in awe of my sex that they'd stalk me, just like April.
The teen people was more at my current level of intellectual thinking. I got to see the emaciated body of the beloved full house baby, who's hot and who's not.
I just went to their web site and tried to find out about advertising. I wonder how much it would cost to get a full page into Teen People magazine? I could have fun making a page for that but to advertise something you have to be selling something. I have to think of something to sell. They say sex sells and I'm sure sex is jam packed in there between Brittany spears cleavage but it still doesn't sound right to say you're selling sex to teens but aren't they already doing that?
Yesterday I went to some shops with my mom. We went in this one shop called Jacobs well

Last night I watched an episode of the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles for the first time since I was 10 or so. [inlink]robin,85[/inlink]. The episode was called April Foolish and April the news reporter was mistaken for the princess while trying to get a story. The turtles of course had to go rescue her and in the end she learned that a disguise is a great way to get a story. I must have wanted a team who teenage mutant turtles who were so in awe of my sex that they'd stalk me, just like April.