I'm at andy's. We just got back from hanging out with Kristin. She was my roommate for a couple of years and Andy banged her a couple of months after I moved to Buffalo.
She called up Andy tonight and told him her boyfriend dumped her and it's her birthday. I was in the car with Andy and when he told me who it was I got Andy to call her back and we went to get her drunk but she doesn't drink so... i don't know.
We drove all over looking for a bumper sticker for my car. We went to waffle house and I played some music on the music machine there. I kept trying to figure out if Andy and Kristin should have something going on. Maybe they should. I don't know. I refuse to be jealous but I can't help but comparing the two of us, me and kristin.
She and I both bought the purple rain sound track this week at different thrift stores. Funny. Well, Kristin is skinny as hell were as I'm getting a little plump. She's pale, I'm tan. She's loud and agressive in the sack and I'm quite and subtle. She and I both chain smoke cowboy killers. She lets Andy continously bum smokes without bitching about it like I do. She lives much closer to andy.
Jesus. What's wrong with me? Andy doesn't get upset when I hang out with people I've fucked before. I'm just being weird. I reckon I should go upstairs and fuck his brains out but I masterbated with water pressure already so I've had my orgasam fix for the day.
I've been working on this syllabus all week. Its rough. I'm afraid to lecture. I need to get together with all my teaching friends and get some advice I think. I've enjoyed being here in Georgia. Its easier. I went to a bonfire party last night and caught up with some old friends. Slim, Big-D, Tria, Lacy Dale, John B, jodbie, and the gang. I took my sister and she tried to make off with some dudes cowboy hat. It did look better on her.
My new favorite country song is Highwayman, by willie and waylon.
I've realized that one of the things I like about country music is the anti-materilasm message that some of the songs have. Her are a few experts
Victoria's Secret, well their stuff's real nice
But I can buy the same damn thing on a Wal-Mart shelf half price
And still look sexy, just as sexy as those models on TV
I don't need no designer tag to make my man want me
So with patches on my britches
Holes in both my shoes
In my coat of many colors
I hurried off to school
Just to find the others laughing
And making fun of me
In my coat of many colors
My momma made for me
And oh I couldn’t understand it
For I felt I was rich
And I told them of the love
My momma sewed in every stitch
And I told ’em all the story
Momma told me while she sewed
And how my coat of many colors
Was worth more than all their clothes
DOLLY PARTON, Coat of Many Colors
Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/16/2004 04:39 #33430
ehh08/12/2004 17:38 #33429
my whole freakin mouth08/11/2004 21:18 #33428
Chemical SpillMy Dad came home laughing because the chemical spill everyone was talking about that they shut down four schools for turned out to be smog and that's it.
08/11/2004 17:38 #33427
WastingI went to the dentist today and he tried to saw off my face. I went to the eye doctor the day before and he tried to poke out my eyes. My sister just said its hazy outside because of a chemical spill in the town over. My mom bought me some jeans that show off my back fat. I've been teaching my niece how to play pinball on the PC.

Here is an old chicken house.

This is in the city limits of Adairsville.

The lil white building is the old jailhouse.

This is out behind the pasture.

Here is an old chicken house.

This is in the city limits of Adairsville.

The lil white building is the old jailhouse.

This is out behind the pasture.