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08/05/2004 17:02 #33421

way down yonder
Chris hates moleface lou. He works with her. He hates her because he thinks she steals the tip money and because she is obnoxious and loud and doesn't deserve to be in Chris's presense. So yeah, thats the jist of it.

Chris = Andy's kid brother, if 20's a kid.

I'm here in Atlanta. My flight got in around 10:30 last night. I took the subway to the art center stop and Andy picked me up. Then we watched and helped Chris and Ben name their video game football players and give them their various powers and what not. It was mellow.

I've talked to my Mom. I don't know how I'm going to get over to Adairsville yet. My mom made me an appointment with the eyedocter and that scares me becasue the eye docter is going to be totally pissed at me for wearing my contacts in an unhealthy way. I really need to see the dentist before my teeth fall out but they're all booked up while I'm here. It looks like I have to find a good dentist in buffalo. Anyone have good recomendations?

Here I am in a house of 5 guys. They'e all nice. I wish Andy wasnt working 9 to 5. What a way to make a living. I watched him get dressed for work this morning. He has a great ass. If I were a boy I would want an ass like Andy's.

I can't wait to get to Adairsville and see Kiah. She is a little sweetheart, ya know? It's about 95 outside but I'm freezing because of the damn AC.

Soyeon, Darlin, I love ya.

sorry for the spelling yawl I aint got no time for the spell check. I tried.

08/04/2004 10:15 #33420

i'm flying out of here at 7:55 this evening. Then I have to come back and move! Hurray!

08/03/2004 13:06 #33419

My Mama just sent me a card that reads

I am sending you a check for $150.00. Use it to fly home or to live on next month.

Looks like I'm going to GA pretty soon.

I participated in Ruth's KINO thing this weekend. It was more difficult that I thought. I forgot how compromising teamwork is. In the end I found my voice through sound. I didn't have time to finish so I'm going to try to this week. Video is not like painting or making a collage. You can always do those things in solitude over time if you want.

I went and looked at an apartment today. I'm still fishing for something cheaper but this place was around 500 including utilities, so that's not bad. I'm about to start doing the unthinkable and pay my rent without parental help so ... it should be an adventure. It will be nice to embark on this whole independence thing.

07/30/2004 07:51 #33418

Last Day
Today I'm finished with the workshop. It's been fun. At first I was nervous and freaked out but now that I'm in the swing of things the class is ending. The students have to make their final animations today. They catch on fast. Well, some of them are quicker than others but... They seem to have a pretty good grasp on the programs despite my disjointed, rambling, and often problematic demonstrations. This is my last day of waking up at 6:30 in the morning! Hurray!

Thanks for those tokens guys, they came in handy this week!

07/28/2004 04:46 #33417

Arise from a Deep Sleep
They wanted to kill this woman. She was in a mansion. They caught her and put her in a bathroom but then everyone got distracted. She thought she could get away. She ran over the fences and over the grass. Then she was captured. She had a huge slit from her bottom rib to her left collar bone. Some tall blond German man was in front of her in a lab coat. He was looking at her talking. She was beautiful in his eyes with lipstick and everything but in reality half of the skin on the face was torn off and she didn't have a nose.

Then I was going out with Andy. I got embarrassed because of the nicotine stain on my shirt so Andy traded shirts with me. He put on my shirt and said "Eww I can feel the nicotine" I said, "You mean smell the nicotine" he said "No it's more like I'm feeling it."