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07/26/2004 06:55 #33413

last one

07/26/2004 00:53 #33412

another one

07/25/2004 21:00 #33411

late fear
I just woke up looked at the clock and freaked because it said 7:30. I thought it was the morning so I popped out of bed and ran into the living room turned to the TV to look at the news and Malcolm in the Middle was on and I realized that I'm safe. Jesus Christ! I got sunburned yesterday.

I was up till noon making a collage. This is the pattern and result.



07/24/2004 03:31 #33410

I'm planning on making a collage using around 100 or so of these girl scout patch things.

I also need to clean up and prepare for the workshop.
Good God Y'all!

07/23/2004 03:46 #33409

third person dream
The king made an announcement to all the people in the city that he had put 3 million dollars in a building across the bridge and who ever got to it first could have it. All the people rushed to the bridge. The women had scarves hiding their hair.
There were thousands of people all rushing and crowed together on one small and long bridge. Then a storm came and the bridge collapsed. The destruction was terrible and many died.
The few who did make it to the other side were having trouble getting into the building. Their spirits were crushed because of the death friends and family. They milled around exterior of the building desperately seeking a way inside.
Inside of the building was one man with dirt and plants. The building was a greenhouse. The king had lied to the people. The man inside knew of the lie. He was nervous and antsy. He could hear the people outside. He got crazy and started to bang on the door but he was locked inside.
One woman on the other side of the building heard him and banged on the door on that side of the building. This door opened for the interior man and he let the woman inside. When she could see that there were no riches she despaired and told the man thousands had died. Then the man despaired as well.