Today I'm finished with the workshop. It's been fun. At first I was nervous and freaked out but now that I'm in the swing of things the class is ending. The students have to make their final animations today. They catch on fast. Well, some of them are quicker than others but... They seem to have a pretty good grasp on the programs despite my disjointed, rambling, and often problematic demonstrations. This is my last day of waking up at 6:30 in the morning! Hurray!
Thanks for those tokens guys, they came in handy this week!
Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/30/2004 07:51 #33418
Last Day07/28/2004 04:46 #33417
Arise from a Deep SleepThey wanted to kill this woman. She was in a mansion. They caught her and put her in a bathroom but then everyone got distracted. She thought she could get away. She ran over the fences and over the grass. Then she was captured. She had a huge slit from her bottom rib to her left collar bone. Some tall blond German man was in front of her in a lab coat. He was looking at her talking. She was beautiful in his eyes with lipstick and everything but in reality half of the skin on the face was torn off and she didn't have a nose.
Then I was going out with Andy. I got embarrassed because of the nicotine stain on my shirt so Andy traded shirts with me. He put on my shirt and said "Eww I can feel the nicotine" I said, "You mean smell the nicotine" he said "No it's more like I'm feeling it."
Then I was going out with Andy. I got embarrassed because of the nicotine stain on my shirt so Andy traded shirts with me. He put on my shirt and said "Eww I can feel the nicotine" I said, "You mean smell the nicotine" he said "No it's more like I'm feeling it."
07/27/2004 15:05 #33416
TOps!I ride my bike to Tops but if i had a car i'd go to Wegman's. They are both better that Walgreens but Tops would not let me write a check a few weeks ago becasue I don't have one of their special savings cards. That sucked.
07/27/2004 14:56 #33415
day 2it's getting better
07/27/2004 14:35 #33414
math is hardMy first day teaching was somewhat of a disaster. I left my apartment at 7:20 AM taking my bike with me, just in case the shuttle bus wasn't running. Then I hopped on the train. When I got to S. Campus I wheeled my bike outside and I could see that people were waiting for the shuttle bus. Then I realized that I had left my bag on the train. So I flipped out, dropped my bike, and ran back down to the train as fast as I could but it had already taken off. I found a woman who worked there and she radioed and they found my bag safe on the train. I had to wait for it though so I ended up being 5 or 10 minutes late for the workshop.
Then I did the clown dance for the kids for four hours. I've gotta get together a structure for tomorrow. One of the things that I'm going to do is show them a few episodes of Sealab 2021 and pass out copies of this article
. Then we can have a little discussion on appropriation.
I've got to figure out a good exercise for them. I think I'll give them an assignment to work on so that I can go around and help people individually. It's difficult because the kids have different skill levels. I'll be happy when I'm teaching basic video, that way I can show lots of work and we can have lots of discussions and it wont just be me in the center of the room endlessly clicking and rambling.

Then I did the clown dance for the kids for four hours. I've gotta get together a structure for tomorrow. One of the things that I'm going to do is show them a few episodes of Sealab 2021 and pass out copies of this article

I've got to figure out a good exercise for them. I think I'll give them an assignment to work on so that I can go around and help people individually. It's difficult because the kids have different skill levels. I'll be happy when I'm teaching basic video, that way I can show lots of work and we can have lots of discussions and it wont just be me in the center of the room endlessly clicking and rambling.