My first day teaching was somewhat of a disaster. I left my apartment at 7:20 AM taking my bike with me, just in case the shuttle bus wasn't running. Then I hopped on the train. When I got to S. Campus I wheeled my bike outside and I could see that people were waiting for the shuttle bus. Then I realized that I had left my bag on the train. So I flipped out, dropped my bike, and ran back down to the train as fast as I could but it had already taken off. I found a woman who worked there and she radioed and they found my bag safe on the train. I had to wait for it though so I ended up being 5 or 10 minutes late for the workshop.
Then I did the clown dance for the kids for four hours. I've gotta get together a structure for tomorrow. One of the things that I'm going to do is show them a few episodes of Sealab 2021 and pass out copies of this article

. Then we can have a little discussion on appropriation.
I've got to figure out a good exercise for them. I think I'll give them an assignment to work on so that I can go around and help people individually. It's difficult because the kids have different skill levels. I'll be happy when I'm teaching basic video, that way I can show lots of work and we can have lots of discussions and it wont just be me in the center of the room endlessly clicking and rambling.