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07/22/2004 03:29 #33407


The ibuprofen bottle reads
Adults: take 1 tablet every 4 to 6 hours while symptoms persist. If pain or fever does not respond to 1 tablet 2 tablets may be used but do not take more than 6 tablets in 24 hours unless directed by a doctor.

I read that right after downing 4 tablets so that makes at least 8 in 7 hours. I'm hoping that this damn swollen lymphoid will go down by tomorrow. I brushed all the white crap off my tongue except for the stuff in the very back, that I couldn't get to. It made me gag. I think I'm going to go sit in the shower for a while.
I haven't left my apartment in 2 days now. I need to get up to north campus and take a look at Photoshop and aftereffects and devise a game plan for this workshop next week.
I've been reading Flannery O'Connor courtesy of Sticky. Ms. O'Connor sure as hell didn't doll her characters up. Her writing is depressingly realistic. These stories are giving me a different perspective on the environment my parents must have been born into back in 1944.

07/21/2004 10:12 #33406

I'm sick. Damn damn damn damn, oh lordy! Why? fucking invisible little monsters crawiling all in my throat and shit!

07/20/2004 23:37 #33405

I ended up staying up till 12 or 1 last night and Francine and we tried this 99 cents Steel High Gravity Beer. That is one hard core beer. I talked to Andy last night and he is all sick of his full time UPS clerk job.
When I woke up around 10 my throat was killing me from excessive cigarette smoking I reckon so I went back to sleep until six. My throat still hurts though so I'm bummed out about that.
I think I've convinced Francine to go to the beach tomorrow so if anyone wants to come they should give me a call or e-mail or whatever.

07/19/2004 21:00 #33404

Which Golden Girl Are You?

07/19/2004 07:21 #33403

Family Values
The book A Slaveholder's Daughter by Belle Kearney was published in 1900. I've been reading it but at page 138 she's become a born again Christian and I don't know if I can handle the rest of the book. It was interesting to be transported back 100 years. Here is a quote from the chapter on women's suffrage. I think it's good to compare to the recent gay marriage rights issues.

page 117
When the bill giving women control of their property was before the Mississippi legislature, its opponents argued against it on the grounds that if passed and allowed to go into execution, it would disrupt families. This idea of the disruption of families has been a terror that has hounded the steps of the reformer for generations, but the home tie seems to remain unruffled, through all the revolutions.