I went to the dentist today and he tried to saw off my face. I went to the eye doctor the day before and he tried to poke out my eyes. My sister just said its hazy outside because of a chemical spill in the town over. My mom bought me some jeans that show off my back fat. I've been teaching my niece how to play pinball on the PC.
Here is an old chicken house.
This is in the city limits of Adairsville.
The lil white building is the old jailhouse.
This is out behind the pasture.
08/09/2004 20:16 #33426
more crap
These pictures are of the abandoned trailer behind the pasture.
08/09/2004 16:13 #33425
hey up there
Soyeon, I'm happy you are having fun! Here are some photos I took on my way back from atlanta last night. I have a car now!
Mawmaw's house
08/08/2004 13:25 #33424
Death of a Superfreak
Let us all take a moment to celebrate the life of the great Buffalonian, Rick James!
08/06/2004 01:07 #33423
Dear Dolly
I just membered that I once went to Dollywood when I was a kid. They had a jailhouse where inmates jumped out of trash cans and spit in your ears also they had a two sory gift shop where you could go on the other side of a wall and stick your head through a hole so it looked to the store shoppers like you were mounted like a deer. It was a beautiful thing.