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Robin's Journal

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12/05/2004 03:35 #33473

To practice formal writing is a pain in the ass. Why is it that people have to write from a perspective that sounds objective when it is of course subjective. Writing therefore is a pain in the ass.
Hey y'all, the end of this semester has got me down, way down. I've got so much crap to do within the next 4 days.
How do y'all feel about Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God , and Nietzsche's overman?
Ps. I promise to write more when I'm in GA over the break and have to much internet access.

12/05/2004 03:07 #33472

Oh baby,
I'm so tired
The man...from the government
The man from the tax board
The man from the public school
The man owns the golden rule, yeah
I'm everybody's slave
I made you my slave
You said
This I do for you
If I would help
To give the world back
What it gave
Then I would
I would
I would
I would
I would for you
I would for you
You say my eyes
Are crazy eyes
Sometimes they are
And so are you
And if you wonder
What I would do
I would do
If I could
You know I would
I would
I would
I would for you
I would for you
I would for you
I would for you
I would for you

-jane's addiction

11/13/2004 00:07 #33471

back in black
i need a bath. I'm at soyeon's house right now. I have to go home and thaw. The party was super. I enjoyed my time with the high class but the low class sucked me away forever. I loved it. Liz rode me to the kitchen and I laughed the whole way. Playing sticks was fun, I never did get around to playing with JP though. I smoked to many cigarettes and got to drunk. Ok, I'm going to drink my tea now and chat with Soyeon.

10/29/2004 03:16 #33470

party this weekend looks at Soyeon's journal!

10/26/2004 11:44 #33469

I only want to sit on the beach
The beach is a boring vacation destination and i feel like it's what i need right now. I'm sick of reading all this god damn bullshit on a deadline. I want to take my books to the beach where I'd have nothing else to do but fry myself and read.
I've also gotta work at being as asshole teacher.
This morning I watched the teens going to high school while I sat on my loveseat clipping my toenails. How well trained those teens are. Up and at it at 8 in the morning with the frost on the ground and everything. I remember tracking through the grass on the way to my 6th grade class in the trailer, feeling tired and doclie. I wonder why I can't be content to just go through the motions anymore? What do I want from me?