Paul's Journal
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10/18/2006 16:03 #32786
GraduationCategory: school
Now I have the paper. Tomorrow I will have the papers for the house. Then I will be set.
10/18/2006 14:49 #32785
Mobile PicsCategory: mobile
The Buffalo Smokehouse (257 Frankiln St) on Franklin kind of sucks.
(MAP TO: 257%20FRANKILN%20ST.)
It is the same place that used to be Darcy McGees. The place was empty, the sides were luke warm. The meat itself was pretty yummy though I doubt I would ever go back in a city that has Fat Bob's ( 41 Virginia Place ) although, frankly though, I cannot believe how bad the Fat Bob's website is
It doesn't even have its own url - check out the page. I guess it proves that a website means nothing as there food is far superior to the Buffalo Smokehouse.
Almost directly after the snow storm of arborgeddon all the snow melted away. These pics were taken of the house on the 16th.
We celebrated (e:lilho)'s birthday at home with just a few of us. We got drunk and ate webman's new ultimate chocolate cake It really is amazing. I ate so much of the cake. It is definately not for people that do not enjoy lots of sugar and butter.
Never forget One-Eyed Jack's! Not quite Buffalo, but definitely the best BBQ joint in WNY.
dude have you ever gone to te dinosaur BBQ in Rochester?
Its very goddamn good. I drop by whenever I'm in town but have driven in just for that a more than afew occasions.
10/18/2006 10:45 #32784
Sickness of the monthCategory: health
Perhaps, I should just buy a bubble for these months.
At first I thought I was getting depressed - which I just about never am and would have no real excuse for. Then as the day went on I realized I was getting sick. It makes me wonder if lots of people's depression is based on some sort of physical unhealthiness.
At least I had a good night programming last night. I still have lots more code cleanup to do today.
I seem to hit a wall physically/mentally myself come October. I don't know what it is but I just seem to "drop." Every year I try to do my best to prevent it, but eventually I just take a nap one evening and wakup up sweaty and feeling like garbage.
ew gross. im also sick. maybe everyone that's sick should post a picture of their illness.
Oh no! Don't forget to take some Airborne.
10/15/2006 11:13 #32783
Buffalo RisingCategory: web
10/14/2006 11:37 #32782
City Water SafeCategory: water
Boil Water Order For Erie County Authority Customers
Posted by: Athan Kompos, Producer
Created: 10/13/2006 6:05:07 PM
Updated: 10/13/2006 7:55:58 PM
The Erie County Water Authority has issued a boil water advisory for all customers. The authority wants all customers to bring water to a rolling boil for 2 minutes and let it cool, before consuming.
The boil water advisory is only for cutomers of the Erie County Water Authority. Residents in cities such as Buffalo and Tonawanda recieve water from a different source and are not subject to the advisory.
The advisory has been issued because the main pumping station for the water authority is without power. When power is restored, water may include bacteria.
Erie County officials want all residents to consume water spareingly, due to the natural disaster caused by the Friday lake effect snow storm.
"in cities such as buffalo and tonawanda"- what the hell does that mean??
Ya we have power and electricity and my cell phone works fine. It's a miracle because within a block of us it is pitch black at night. I am surprised there was no looting. In any bigger city I think there would have been. Then again I only know about this one little part of town.
paul, do you still have power?
Congratulations on earning your Masters, Paul.
On a side note, Chica seems to think if you have your degree professionally framed they might be able to iron out that nasty wrinkle somehow....?
im jealous. i have so many many years left.
So I guess now you're a Master of the force... oh wait no... that's uh, fine arts, right.
Congrats! We'll have to find a nice frame for the diploma and hang it in your freezing office.