Driving to deal with some insurance stuff on the house which finally closes October 16th, some guy was angry because he wanted to go faster than (e:terry). His solution was to zoom around us at 70mph on the 33 and then put on his breaks about two feet ahead of us and then continue to slow down. His license plate was DLX 1906. It's a miracle that it wasn't an accident.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/09/2006 14:32 #32777
DLX 1906 road ragerCategory: cars
10/08/2006 00:37 #32776
Real-time chatCategory: chatter
Realtime sometimes crosses on the internet. Something that would never happen in real-time talk. I think maybe this was the most tragic example I have ever seen.
- vycious 23:48 ew.
- carolinian 23:48 Losing porn is always a tragedy
- vycious 23:48 including the last ones of my mother, at christmas.
- vycious 23:47 i lost 5 years of pictures.
- vycious 23:47 just a small part in me reforming the loss of my harddrive.
- vycious 23:47 man, im so excited- im almost done dling a jeff buckley compilation torrent.
vycious - 10/12/06 19:18
i cant wait to learn java! this site is pretty freaking awsome. still working on restoring all my lost items.
i cant wait to learn java! this site is pretty freaking awsome. still working on restoring all my lost items.
metalpeter - 10/08/06 11:39
That chat is funny. That reminds me of an idea I had for the site (you may like it you may not). I have no idea how it would be on the programing end. I have seen on other sites where the Page is broken into sections. This way you could page down or scroll down through a journal and read that and check out the chat at the same time with out skiping back up to chat to see what is being said if you hear the bing.
That chat is funny. That reminds me of an idea I had for the site (you may like it you may not). I have no idea how it would be on the programing end. I have seen on other sites where the Page is broken into sections. This way you could page down or scroll down through a journal and read that and check out the chat at the same time with out skiping back up to chat to see what is being said if you hear the bing.
10/07/2006 19:28 #32775
The atticCategory: linwood
I ended up spending the day cleaning the attic while (e:southernyankee) and (e:terry) went clothes shopping. It was incredibly dirty but I found some cool stuff and finally made it out the exit to the top of the roof.
That part of the attic was the last plac ein the house that was disgusting. It is amazing considering how much of the hosue was disgusting when we started on it August 15th.

The was tons of trash and lots of squirrel poop ans nests. The squirrels are no longer in the house. Not our pet squirrels but some crazy wild ones.

This trap door is right on the top of the rood and where we made it out. I am definately sure I want to build a porch up there. The space is pretty big and the view is great. The top of our house is about as high as the top of the tree.
I was going to document more about this but I have to go find the tortoise and will get back to it later.

That part of the attic was the last plac ein the house that was disgusting. It is amazing considering how much of the hosue was disgusting when we started on it August 15th.

The was tons of trash and lots of squirrel poop ans nests. The squirrels are no longer in the house. Not our pet squirrels but some crazy wild ones.

This trap door is right on the top of the rood and where we made it out. I am definately sure I want to build a porch up there. The space is pretty big and the view is great. The top of our house is about as high as the top of the tree.
I was going to document more about this but I have to go find the tortoise and will get back to it later.

10/07/2006 10:56 #32774
Clams in KenmoreCategory: food
We went to marottos in Kenmore last night. It was around 11 and (e:southernyankee) wanted seafood. So we called them because she had seafood there before and they said they would stay open for us. The food there turned out to beinsane good and reasonably priced.
For $50 the (e:mike) , (e:terry) , (e:holly) , (e:southernyankee) and I had 2 dozen steamed clams, a dozen clams casino and a dozen oysters rockafeller.
Everything was freshly shucked. Thee extended menu seemed fantastic. I would definitely go back. The restaurant is located on Delaware Avenue just before Sheridan Dr in Kenmore. Its around where premiere is.

For $50 the (e:mike) , (e:terry) , (e:holly) , (e:southernyankee) and I had 2 dozen steamed clams, a dozen clams casino and a dozen oysters rockafeller.
Everything was freshly shucked. Thee extended menu seemed fantastic. I would definitely go back. The restaurant is located on Delaware Avenue just before Sheridan Dr in Kenmore. Its around where premiere is.

10/06/2006 20:11 #32773
Random MixingsCategory: drama
It's so disturbing to see grown men act like childish, immature fools. I hope she disowns you, because the three of you do not deserve a friend like her.
Disclaimer, this is a little unnecessary because we mean nothing to each other but in the spirit of the drama this friday:
Fuck you stupid bitch. (e:terry) and I had nothing to do with this and what happend with (e:matthew) was really a misunderstanding. I hope we never see each other again because I can only imagine it would be extremely unpleasant.
Frankly, I hated you from the beginning and most of the reason I stopped hanging out with (e:ladycroft) and calling her is because you annoy the fuck out of me. I actually hid from her at Thrusday in the Square once just to avoid getting stuck with you. I think I realized this most of all when we attended your housewarming party and you threw everyone out at the end.
Apparently, that is a theme with you.
- leetee 19:41 she's not always been so nice to me, either paul. i got told to get the hell out of the house by her after i spent 2 days helping her roomate move in...
- leetee 19:46 she was talking to HER roomates when she asked 'do you want to go to dinner later?
- leetee 19:46 and i thought she was talking to me and her roomates, since i was in the room
- leetee 19:46 and when i said i couldn't, that i was tired from 2 days of moving
- leetee 19:46 she said i wasnt talking to you
- leetee 19:46 get the hell out
- paul 19:46 holy fuck
- leetee 19:46 i was talking to my roomates
- leetee 19:47 at first, i thought she was joking
- leetee 19:47 and i laughed
- leetee 19:48 but then i thought she looked mad, so i left. got a ride home
There is more asbestos in my life

(e:terry) on a high up ladder in the house. I never thought my house would be big enough to have such a huge ladder inside.

Ulrich'es Tavern has been open for 50,000 days. Can you believe it. The food tastes so good but it seems a little dirty. What do you expect for some place that has been open for 136 years.

Has anyone else eaten one of these marshmallow hamburgers. They taste really good but (e:theecarey) and I couldn't even finish one together. Inside is a really hard crunchy sugar surface.

Oh that was you guys? Sorry about that. ;-)
I've been on the losing end of that deal many times in New Jersey. It happens a lot less around here. Still, it sucks that it happened to you. Guess there are pricks wherever you go.
What a fucking jerk that guy was.