I was pretty moved by (e:byllic,5). I reminded of all the crazy animal cruelty kind of things I saw in my life. It seems that animal cruelty and railroad track's/urban rural strecthes go hand in hand. I remember seeing numerous dead and butchered animlals behind the grain mills on Military Rd near the end of Tremont Avenue in Kenmore.
Back then it was always blammed on the Satan worshippers. Does anyone else in Kenmore remeber the wave of "Satan worshippers" from the 80s. What was up with that? I wish I was old enought to know if they thought they were real or if it was the adults perspective n the goth kids. I remember my best Friend James' babysitter got murdered back there too.
Yet I remember spending lots of time there because it was a combination of remote from the eyes of our parents and dangerous. It also had the entrance to the sewers which which played by and inside of plenty. As far as I was concerned it was as close to being in Goonies as I was gonna get.
As an industrial wasteland, I am sure it killed many more people than the satan worshippers ever did (e:paul,397)
The most graphic memory I have was going fishing with my Dad at Buckhorn State Park. I actually spent a lot of time there because the metro bus would take us to grand island, or because we would walk over the nasty bridge from kenmore. It was pretty far. I think Grand Island was one of the only places I ever hitchhiked in Buffalo. I remember it seemed so rural to me as a kid.
Anyways, I kept seeing fur in the water floating down the river and eventually followed the floating chunks to their source. A black garbage bag full of a large chopped up dog. Who chops up a dog and sticks it in a garbage bag at a state park? That image haunted me for a long time.
As a kid, I too was repsonsibile for a bit of the cruelty. I distinctly remmebr dresing up like "indians" and making bows and arrows out of sapling branches and heavy duty rubber bands. Then me and my friends would shoot the freakin' squirrels. I remember hitting the first one and feeling like it was really wrong.
I think it was because back then all the adults I knew hated the squirrels and talked about shooting them. Eiother way it was wrong and I feel guilty now.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/10/2006 13:02 #32656
Behind the Grainmills, Over The BridgeCategory: animals
06/09/2006 13:16 #32655
Closing July 11thCategory: housing
06/09/2006 00:42 #32654
Thursday CrusadersCategory: thursday
This morning I saw the Orchard Park Police on Main Street, what's up witht that?

I started out the evening with (e:enknot) at his friedns house, but there was a cat. Then we went to the square and (e:mike) showed up and I decided to walk around a bit.

Metropolis Mike

(e:mike) also suffers from allergies like me

This guy has a belt made out of bullets. I think its is gross.

I entertained myself with the Satan worshippers.
There were so few protestors this week and only one sign.

(e:libertad) and I felt bad for the cute one. He needed some liberation. (e:libertad) tried to give him his phone number but the kid asked him if he was a homo and wouldn't accept it.
Hotty McJesus

Watch this video - this man goes nuts on the "christians" and then the police pull him off them at the end.
(e:libertad) and the Hotty McJesus
I have a thing for Hotty McJesus
Some babble.

I started out the evening with (e:enknot) at his friedns house, but there was a cat. Then we went to the square and (e:mike) showed up and I decided to walk around a bit.

Metropolis Mike

(e:mike) also suffers from allergies like me

This guy has a belt made out of bullets. I think its is gross.

I entertained myself with the Satan worshippers.
There were so few protestors this week and only one sign.

(e:libertad) and I felt bad for the cute one. He needed some liberation. (e:libertad) tried to give him his phone number but the kid asked him if he was a homo and wouldn't accept it.
Hotty McJesus

Watch this video - this man goes nuts on the "christians" and then the police pull him off them at the end.
(e:libertad) and the Hotty McJesus
I have a thing for Hotty McJesus
Some babble.

metalpeter - 06/09/06 19:34
As the sun was setting and blinding my Vision I saw you and Mike. Sorry I didn't come over. I wasn't able to scream your name. Plus I was fealing kinda anti social and my legs didn't want to stand up. Glad you guys had fun. Those Jesus people are insane and thanks for putting up the pics.
As the sun was setting and blinding my Vision I saw you and Mike. Sorry I didn't come over. I wasn't able to scream your name. Plus I was fealing kinda anti social and my legs didn't want to stand up. Glad you guys had fun. Those Jesus people are insane and thanks for putting up the pics.
kara - 06/09/06 08:20
Those videos are awesome. I wonder when someone will come out with a reality show based on these jesus saves protestors. What do they protest, anyway? Live music that's not xian rock?
Those videos are awesome. I wonder when someone will come out with a reality show based on these jesus saves protestors. What do they protest, anyway? Live music that's not xian rock?
libertad - 06/09/06 00:58
you know the saddest thing about that boy was that even though he was telling me i was going to hell I knew that he deep down was really a good guy. I hope that he escapes hell soon, it really must be tormenting him.
you know the saddest thing about that boy was that even though he was telling me i was going to hell I knew that he deep down was really a good guy. I hope that he escapes hell soon, it really must be tormenting him.
06/08/2006 18:49 #32653
Buffalo WifiCategory: thursday
Here I am at Thursday in the square again. It was so hard to rip myself away from the computer as I am getting closer and closer to my master creation javascript user interface library.
Okay I am ready to forget about it for a bit.
Okay I am ready to forget about it for a bit.
joshua - 06/08/06 19:29
You need a cybernetic implant.
You need a cybernetic implant.
06/08/2006 14:55 #32652
Coding JavascriptCategory: programming
This week, I have recoded my years worth of javascript functions and objects into a beautiful, name spaced, inter-dependent, object oriented library that will make new stuff so much more exciting to program and extend. Unfortuantely, I now have to go through the process of retrofitting everything I previously created with the system.
Luckily, I moved all the javascript code out of my documents and into external js files years ago, so there is no having to go through lots of markup to deal with inline tags that are burried deep within. Most of the stuff shall convert nicely and now I never have to worry about namespace conflicts ever again and will never have to track down little code snippets.
Surebert is no longer surebert but the surebertCom library which has a communicate object to replace the old surebert 1.6.
None of this probably means anything to anyone, but I want to note this day for when I look back.
I will make the library publically available at some point in the near future.
The objects themselves can a sort of namespace. e.g.
jump: function(){
run: function(){
now I can safely use even if I am using other javascripts that has a jump() function.
if you know you aren't going to have a conflict that you can use
jump = myLib.jump; to make a sort of global alias to the function
The nice thing is all these objects can interact and extend each other and javascript object literal notation is so easy to read and maintain.
I group all my objects in the surebertCom object and then it has further breakdowns into uses and types e.g. surebertCom.strings, subrertCom.sounds, etc
Luckily, I moved all the javascript code out of my documents and into external js files years ago, so there is no having to go through lots of markup to deal with inline tags that are burried deep within. Most of the stuff shall convert nicely and now I never have to worry about namespace conflicts ever again and will never have to track down little code snippets.
Surebert is no longer surebert but the surebertCom library which has a communicate object to replace the old surebert 1.6.
None of this probably means anything to anyone, but I want to note this day for when I look back.
I will make the library publically available at some point in the near future.
The objects themselves can a sort of namespace. e.g.
jump: function(){
run: function(){
now I can safely use even if I am using other javascripts that has a jump() function.
if you know you aren't going to have a conflict that you can use
jump = myLib.jump; to make a sort of global alias to the function
The nice thing is all these objects can interact and extend each other and javascript object literal notation is so easy to read and maintain.
I group all my objects in the surebertCom object and then it has further breakdowns into uses and types e.g. surebertCom.strings, subrertCom.sounds, etc
carolinian - 06/09/06 00:13
Refactoring is wonderfully cathartic, isn't it?
Refactoring is wonderfully cathartic, isn't it?
kara - 06/08/06 21:28
Total geekdom. I love it.
Total geekdom. I love it.
paul - 06/08/06 16:07
I updated my journal to explain more what I meant.
I updated my journal to explain more what I meant.
zobar - 06/08/06 15:45
Javascript has namespaces?! Let's all hope that they're less awkward than XML namespaces.
- Z
Javascript has namespaces?! Let's all hope that they're less awkward than XML namespaces.
- Z
Yeah ... Satan worshippers ... I remember them. There were railroad tracks behind my mom's house, and people were always talking about the Satan worshippers who hung out up there and did unspeakable things.
[map]St Lawrence Ave[/map]
I always heard stories about somebody who knew somebody who knew somebody who found their hideout on the railroad tracks and it was full of cats killed in bizarre ways. It never made much of an impression on me, because you could barely tell that anybody was ever up there, much less cat-torturing Satan worshippers.
Also: Goonies was the best; my favorite was Data [natch].
- Z
I can definately relate to the "Goonies" analogy. I spent most of my childhood running around trains and grain elevators looking for "One Eyed Willies Treasure" wow thats sounds so dirty as an adult:} . I am glad that people share my experiences with animals and learned similar lessons. I had a few people look at me like I was really odd when I told them the turtle story. I think I feel a little sorry for those people because no one goes through life without somehow harming another creature. The people who don't get my point are probably the people who have never felt bad about it.