This 'tiny' little white boy goes up to (e:enknot) and asks him if he just started skting and if it's a new board. (e:enknot) said he had it for a bit. The the kid asked if he could Ollie. 3:knot said ya, then he asked if (e:enknot) could kickflip finally if he could just have the skateboard. Who does that?

More people showed up for Smash Mouth. I wonder how many people will leave to see the Sabres Game. I have pretended to like hockey so much its insane. Thank god for (e:knot) or I would sound like an idiot.
People were beating the shit out of each other in the mosh pit and throwing their shoes up in the air.
More sounds from Smash Mouth.The skipping is from when I was checking my email. I think it maxed out the processor doing both on the phone. The song everyone wanted to hear is at the end of that one.
The baja sausage bar at Roswell was so good today. Sorry (e:jenks), I didn't see the text message about meeting for lunch until I was at Thursday in the square. I had accidentlly set a soundless video as my ringtone.

well I ate at roswell anyway, and I must agree that sausage WAS pretty damn tasty. Maybe tomorrow will be another slow day...
Thanks for the peek. I had to miss due to helping with homework. Next week hopefully