I am glad there are laws because they make me so angry I could kill one. I would really like to kill this one. He has affected me multiple times over many yeas. As the blogosphere as my witness he will someday pay dearly.

(e:matthew) and (e:terry) remember when he promised to protest at our house every saturday. The time he had the megaphone and you turned on the lawnmower. I will have to link to the journal when I get home.
I am thrilled that they are surrounded by young people fighting with and yelling at them. They are the most digusting perversion of christianity that exists.

Whenever you feel like killing a random religious extremist, just think of the imbeciles who drove up from the south (Georgia? Virginia?) last year who thought they were here to protest the Gay Pride parade.
Sadly, they were a week late and ended up protesting the Allentown Art Festival instead. :-x
Down with Art!! lol
You can tell these people are crazy. They kind of remind me of cristalbelle's gang from that Silent Hill Movie.
It's people like this that make me embarassed to call myself a Christian. I assure you that not all Jesus Freaks are actually freaks. :(