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06/22/2006 00:14 #21047

Pauls Survey
Category: survey

1. How did you find out about/why did you become of estrip?
I was looking for an old friend and happen to come across his hournal here.

2. How "out" are you about having a publicly accessible online journal. Do your friends know? Does your family know? Do your co-workers know? Does your boss know? Do you use your real name? Do you use your real photo?
I have several blogs, one that i developed myself, more for the gratification of coding than the want to blather on about my life. I am enjoy posting and tell people where to find me online all the time. I use my real name and all things personal are generally fair game.

3. How many epeeps have you met real life?
I have met quite a few. Unfortunately life is so hectic that I havent had time to meet more or continue catching up with those I've met allready. There are also qute a few members who've I've known for years and happen to find them here.

4. How has estrip changed the way that you meet people, on and/or off line?
Ever since I had my first 386 in the early 90's I have used the internet as a social experience. E strip does tend to take the mess that is the internet and provide a nice comfortable "local" feeling internet community. I definitely appreciate that

5. How has estrip affected you love life?
I thought this was estrip, not eharmony. Like I said I was allready an avid internet socializer. Ive met romantic partners on the internet in the past.

6. How many of your friends have joined estrip because of your influence?

7. Are you from Buffalo/do you live in Buffalo?

1. What type of hardware or software purchases have you made as a result of using estrip?
I tend to keep updated. My hardware and software purchases are fueled by my professional needs. I am a programmer and I suppose I could say that estrip has had some influence over my want to do cool things with the internet. So it may find some influence in the software I write.

2. Have you used the mobile version of estrip? Why or why not?
I don't really like cell phones. I have one, It makes a great alarm clock. I did check it out once out. Simply because I am a geek and I do similar things for my clients.

1. In what way has estrip changed your Internet surfings habits? Describe the amount of time you spend on estrip, when you use it and about how long?
On occasion I will post something and chat for an hour but mostly it has become part of a virtual routine that was allready part of my daily habits.

1a. How many journals do you usually read per day?
I read a lot of random blogs from other places for tech industry. I also read a lot of the estrip blogs. Sometimes choosing at random.

2. In what ways has estrip changed the way you perceive your local community?
Unfortunately I cannot say that estrip has change my overall view of the this area but it has assured me that there are like-minded and not so like minded but open minded people around me.

3. How has journaling about your life affected the way you spend your free time?
I can't say that it has.

4. Has estrip changed your living situation in any way?
5. Do you find that you mediate/document more of your experiences now that you share them with others?
It is true that I tend to reflect more on recent experiences because I have to think more about what I am writing. Unfortunately reflection doesn't always provide a mirror image and the process of finding the correct words will sometimes completely change the way a recent happening is viewed.

6. Has publishing on estrip affected the way that write?
I am a lazy writer, I have bad sentence structure, I use surperfluous commas, run on sentences and I rarely proof read. I suppose that journalling has made me more aware of these things.

7. Do you have other online journals? If so, with what service and has estrip affected your usage of that journal?
I usually mirror the journals that I like from my other blog because iI appreciatre that estrip has a built in readership. I usually always post on my blog first because it is my own project and I can back it up directly

8. Have you ever gotten in trouble for using estrip at work?
I am self employed so the boss doesn't mind.

9. If you have stopped using estrip, why?

04/26/2006 18:48 #21045

Create Adventure
Two Words, Create Adventure. Once when I was a young teenager I remember having had to take a bus home from a friends house. After waiting for a few minutes with no bus schedule I decided to walk to the next stop and hope there was one posted. One stop became two stops and two stops became five stops and before I knew it I had walked about five miles and I was at least half way home when a bus finally zipped past me. Needless to say I walked another five miles and arrived home with a new appreciation for living life a little more loosely. In that span of a couple of hours and at an age at least half of what I am today I realized the value of letting adventure happen and in the process I learned to appreciate how much more interesting the journey can be when you are not travelling at 55 mph. I have done odd things in my life for the sake of finding wrinkles in my universe. I have often stretched that last ounce of gas in my tank several miles knowing that running out of gas is not a snag in my ordered existence but a chance to explore some place random. I once had a car on which the tank meter would freeze in place randomly so I never knew when I was close to empty, I did a lot of great exploring that year. It is not uncommon to catch me surfing in lake erie right before the lake freezes, Geocaching in January (Google it) or getting in my car on a saturday morning and driving until I have no idea where I am and I have to ask the local amish shoemaker how to get home after buying some pumpkin butter and looking at a quilt. I believe that much of this side of me was formed walking from bus stop to bus stop late on a friday nite. Adventure will always happen if you look for it and you have more time to let it develop on the way if you take your time getting where you are going. Today I had a meeting on the other side of the city and I decided to carpool without any knowledge of whether or not the carpool would be getting me home. The resulting walk through downtown buffalo reminded me that I live in a city, and cities are full of adventure. I definitley need to find some this summer. I suggest you do the same, or join me on mine.
twisted - 04/26/06 22:26
When I was a kid in Baltimore they printed the bus schedule in the phone book of all places. What a discovery that was! I walked to the bus stop and tried to look like I knew what I was doing taking the bus downtown and wandering my little heart out. Even managed to figure out where to wait for the return route (luckily, or this would have been a very short-lived adventure). After a few round-trips I memorized the route and started biking the 8.5 miles :::link::: instead. Eventually my parents caught on and were not too happy. Maybe I had to explain it the time I got shot in the leg with a bb gun. Just a small puncture wound, but it's lucky I didn't take a header off my bike from the surprise. Anyway, I did convince them to let me keep riding down there, but I was supposed to tell them first so they could worry about me until I got back. I think my way was better for everybody, haha.
theecarey - 04/26/06 21:03
"Finding wrinkles in my universe".. I really really like that.
People who appreciate life, have a sense of humor and are curious-- manage to create adventure (for some, they stumble across it, but thats a passive role. Creating adventure is more personal, internal, jump right in and see what happens, mentality). It doesn't matter where I am at or what I set out to do--adventure is everywhere. Yes, even at the DMV or ALIC in e-wonderland meetings ;) (Those imotalizers are a sassy bunch!). I fully agree..take time on getting where you are going (& be open to anything that develops) is key in adventures/living life/learning. Good topic.. I could keep going! :)

BTW, I dig the geocaching (googled it).. had looked into orienteering, some time back. VERY COOL!! I'm always up for a treature hunt-- never know what you will find. (c'mon, thats worth ateast 1 pun point)

06/10/2006 01:37 #21046

Feisty the turtle
I think I should have signed up for green peace instead of the Marine Corps 10 years ago, maybe I would still have a full head of hair. But anyways, yesterday I had an experience that caused a serious flashback to my childhood. I was 8 or 9 years old and I remember that the the winter thaw would always leave large pools of water between the train tracks at the end of my street. These pools of water would become full of tadpoles by late spring. A few sadistic kids from the neighborhood would anxiously wait for these pollywogs to become frogs so that they could begin a ritual that caused what is possibly one of the first defining moments in my life. Taking an old 2 by 4 and laying it perpendicular to the tracks they would put a frog on one end and then stomp on the other, sending the frog flying into the air and then letting gravity do its worst to poor little kermit. That was how it started. I remember that with each passing year the feats of idiocy became more sophisticated and increasingly cruel. I can recall fireworks being used in disturbing ways and I even remember one particularly goony kid putting the wheels from an old toy car through the back end of a serverly damaged specimine and watching it hop/roll away.

I remember clearly, the day that I had finally had enough, normally I would just walk away and make a mental note that those were not the kids that I wanted to hang out with but one particular day I snapped, I saw the usual congregation of idiots whose names that I still remember beginning their ritual and I started grabbing every frog I could get my hands on, I remember getting back to my house with tears exploding from my face. I had that face of innocence, a little boy whom I really miss sometimes these days and in my hand was one frog. I saved one frog.

So yesterday I was driving down Tifft street and I saw a turtle trying to cross the road. It was very busy and he was quite slow (as we know turtles are) so I pulled over on to Ohio right before Tifft Nature Preserve and ran back to where I had seen the turtle. My heart dropped because the turtle had allready been hit, in the two minutes from the time I noticed it to the time I got back to it, some oblivious individual in an SUV (Stupid Unipressive Vehicle) had run him over. His shell was cracked and he was bleeding very badly. All of a sudden I was 9 years old standing at the corner of my street, manically clutching at frogs. So after putting the turtle whom I would come to name feisty in a safe place I went home to get a shoe box and some carrots, neither of which was he happy to see. I then had Liz take me to the SPCA where I left him with the vet who seemed to think he had a chance. His shell was very badly cracked and I could see parts of him that are much better left to biology textbooks. I did not call today to find out his status but I thought about it. I would like to think that I have done everything I can for him.

So maybe I'm a meat eating hipocrite, maybe I spent years of my life training to be a marine, maybe uncle sam could have made me a killer as he has some with many of my friends from my days wearing green, but yesterday I think I saved one turtle, and that makes me feel good. It makes me feel good because after everything Ive done in my life all of my post pubescent transgressions have not been able to completely remove that 9 year old boy from my spirit. That turtle may have been more helpful to me than I was to it.
leetee - 06/10/06 23:26
Stories of sick, injured or mutilated animals tear my heart out. I could barely read your journal...

Thank you for rescuing that injured turtle. I would have done the same thing.

As for tadpoles and frogs... i can't ever remember doing things like that when i was a kid. We used to collect tadpoles in old mayo jars when i was a kid, but we always wanted them to live so we could have pet frogs. My mom used to make me put them back, though... but she said it was 'cause the cat would eat them. Now, i'm glad we did... what the heck would a tadpole eat anyway? Purina tadpole chow??
kookcity2000 - 06/10/06 13:07
oh man, when I was a kid the neighbor kids used to find toads and put them in ziplock bags.

Then they would try to ride their bikes over them. When I would find out I would freak and take the toads out to our big back yard.

Years later, when I was working at a summer camp, I used to have to weed whack around a pond.
Lots of frogs, but they usually bail before you get by them, especially with a loud ass weedwhacker.

The first time I 'chunked' a frog, it really broke my heart. I felt awful.

I got used to it though after a couple times.
paul - 06/10/06 12:55
Wow, that was a pretty moving journal. I hope the turtle is okay. At first I was intimidated by your lack of paragraphs. It's funny how text can seem so overwhelming in bug chunks. Maybe its because I usually only read tiny fragments.
theecarey - 06/10/06 12:17
Stories like this remind me of all the horrors I have seen throughout my life (and a few times, ashamedly, been a part of as a kid-fortunately, lessons were learned).

This story also remind me that there are wonderful people out there who care about life. They will stop what they are doing to help a creature in need; not becuase it is convenient or they would otherwise feel guilty- but because it is what they do-- it is part of who they are- good character, sense of self and compassion for life..

My stomach is knotted up thinking about the frog hopping/rolling away. Sickened, that as children, some of us were witness to such cruelty and sickened, because as an adult, I know that people continue to do purposely aweful things to innocent animals and other people (I've lived in some bad places..) I have so many stories.. however, most have a good outcome.

Kids experiment with life and death- cause and effect- engaging in behavior to establish rank amongst friends and other rights of passage. Yet in this scenerio, I think the real rights of passage come when the kid realizes that the connection between cause and effect is the difference of right and wrong-- and that they are making the choices that lead to the outcome. That they are taking away the life of animal, completely defensless against such choices.

When they dont learn this, there is something more pervasive going on in their psyche, which continues into adulthood. *sigh*

At about 10 years old- I had met up with a group of friends, who were standing standing around looking up at a tree branch. As I approached, I heard the pop of a BB gun go off. One boy shot and killed a robin. He then realized what he actually did, and began to cry. That was his moment of truth/understanding that his actions were wrong. He grew up a little bit that day, as we all did. We all felt aweful and from that day on, they took to saving and helping animals. I was included in many of those endeavors- but that was something I often engaged in with my mom. We have always been rescuers of the sort; although it took her a few years to convince me that, "Carey, you cant bring that bat back to life". "Carey, I know you will feed it, but that vole needs to live outside, not in your dresser drawer" But yeh, we've pulled frogs out of snakes, skunks out of traps, turtles off of roads, etc etc etc.

I am going to go hug my cat now. And my fat garden toads, if they will let me :)

Meat consumption will always occur. Feeling like a hypocrite is understandable, I have little internal wars with myself on many issues. Since I wont stop eating meat, I can make better choices of how I go about doing it. Such as, choosing free range over animals shoved into small crates and abused for the sake of plumping them up. I stay away from Fast food places for that reason (other than Mighty Taco, yes, I am guilty).

I dont think that anyone can fully subscribe to a cause and follow through on all levels. What matters is that we do what we can, learn as much as we can, unlearn what we know and challenge ourselves to do, think, be better people.

(hmm, this was a chapter, but a whole lot more can be said.. )

jenks - 06/10/06 09:16
That made me cry... I hope he's ok. And I hate that SUV jerk. But yeah, you did what you could. Reminded me of so many stories... I eat meat and wear leather and all that, and I have done lots of not-nice things to animals (in the name of science), but I still hate seeing them hurt. (everything I've done has at least been under anesthesia.) When I was little I guess my dad found a nest of baby rabbits in the yard when he was mowing the lawn... They told me that he put them in a box and put it in the field next door for "mommy rabbit to find them." Well I just found out a few years ago that no, that is not what happened. I guess they were all really sick/injured looking and had no chance (he felt), and what he really did was put them in a plastic bag in the garbage. Makes me kind of sick to think of it. One other story- I had a cute little dog once, Jack the Jack Russell. He was not the smartest, and was hit by cars THREE times. The final time did him in. I remember screaming and wailing 'dad dad take him to the vet' and he finally took my hand and had me touch his poor little crushed head and said there's nothing the vet can do. But anyway, the time he was killed was by some idiot kid in a UPS truck who thought he could beat the dog if he gunned it, but Jack fell under the wheels. But my jerk friends immediately dubbed the UPS "United Pancake Service" and "United Puppy Squishers." I think the kid was so traumatized by our screaming that he requested a new route- only to be assigned to my dad's office. hehe.

And one last thing- cruelty to animals is a hallmark feature of Conduct Disorder (in kids), which becomes Antisocial Personality Disorder in adults. Yuck.

03/02/2006 00:23 #21044

On Being Excited
Category: quarter life crisis
I'm sure we all remember our first day of college, first kiss, first sexual experience, second sexual experience, third sexual experience. They all have one thing in common, excitement. The problem with excitement is that very few things in life can manage to bring about consistent levels of it. I can't seem to remember the last time that I was first kiss excited, and certainly not first sexual experience excited. I'm sure I've been 50th sexual experience excited quite often but I'm sure we don't need to go any further into that metaphor. It could get messy. But anyways. I'm taking a poll. When is last time that you were so excited that you could not contain yourself? I don't mean sexually, although that would certainly be an acceptable mode of excitement for this query.
Not that I'm a gloomy individual, my disposition is actually quite agreeable. I've just had so many wonderful experiences in my life that I think my bar is set a bit high these days. So here is a very abbrevriated list of my most exciting moments in recent memory. Not in any order.
The day I decided to go back to college
The the first time I caught a wave (surfing)
The day I graduated Marine Corps Bootcamp (Very distant memory)
The day I started my own business
Any time I've gotten on a plane to go somewhere new
The day I wrote my first piano composition
The day I played it for my best friend
The Day I got out of the Marines
The Day I got my scholarship for graduate school

jenks - 03/03/06 00:28
Hmm, interesting. But yeah, a little depressing. B/c I am really a happy-go-lucky person. Pretty much always laughing... but when you put it that way, I'm not sure I can remember the last time I was that excited. For me it's just little stuff "oh my god he kissed me" kind of stuff. But getting into/starting/graduating from college/med school/residency... all just "the next step". It's all just expected of me, so it's "no big deal", because OF COURSE it's going to happen...
theecarey - 03/03/06 00:16
Your post, other peoples comments (and subsequent posts) initiated a whole thought process that I am going to have to just make my own post about soon. Probably over the weekend when I have more time to settle down and think (and write). Thanks.. :)
I am a an easily humored person. I am sure I have been super giddy/excited/elated many times in the past year, however they currently elude me (I need to go to sleep). Although one that sticks out is my acceptance into Grad school. Well, not just acceptance but actually finding something I wanted to dive into.
More on all that later.. I am really excited to write about it ;)
metalpeter - 03/02/06 19:34
I get excited at sports events all the time. I guess the biggest level of excitment recently was the Bandits Home Opener. The Bag Pipper from Jackdaw Played the Pipes and walked down through the fans about a section away from me. Then as he Played Chutes and laders by korn played it was really awesome.
flacidness - 03/02/06 16:09
things that make you go hmmmm? my most recent exciting moment was my first night in new york and I was walking down times square 1:30 a.m. drunk. The other time I was excited was my first gay pride parade with (e:matthew), e;paul and (e:terry).
sbrugger - 03/02/06 09:50
Wow...the last time I was really and truly "couldn't contain myself" happy (not just mid-level sort-of excited..hmmmm...)......

...when I proposed to my ex-fiancee.

Wow...that was just one of those mini-epiphany moments. Sometimes we don't realize how much we can change in just a few years until someone asks a question like that and we really think about it. I've gone from being someone who was giddy about spending the rest of my life with someone to someone who really doesn't think he wants to get married.

There may be some further thought necessary on this...maybe not...but thanks for that mental shove.
imk2 - 03/02/06 01:06
when i met my mother at age 8 after her being away for 4 years. she was a distant memory.

when i came to the united states. i thought it was all going to look like las vegas. i was disappointed.

i will count this one in, even tho it was negative excitement; when i saw my boyfriend get shot.

when i had a baby.

when i had to testify in court.

when i was flying to d.c. on sept 11th. and when i had to inform the passengers as to what happened.

when i've gone on all my vacations.....soooo many....sooo great!

oh yeah, how could i forget! when i won the 6th grade talent show at west hertel academy dancing to flash dance with white gloves and a strobe light!

when i got accepted to grad school.

when i got to go backstage at the bones thugs and harmony concert, and i didn’t have to suck any dick for it!

when stone temple pilots were my passengers and i got to hang with them.

when i went back to poland after 13 years to see my father, he now was a distant memory.

when i found out my father died, right after leaving poland, and having to fly there again for the funeral.

leetee - 03/02/06 00:48
interesting question. And way cool things you have been excited about. :O)

For me, there have been many times i have been really excited. Then again, i tend to be the junping up and down excited type.

But, the last time i was so excited i could not contain myself was recently. I got a letter from the BCIS (bureau for citizenship and immigration services, formerely the INS, or immigration and naturalization services) telling me that i was approved for a permanent green card. I excitedly told my husband. My mother was visiting at the time and i ran up the stairs to tell her and in my haste and excitement, she thought i was distressed from all the yelling.

02/28/2006 17:06 #21043

Geek Defined
The term Geek is actually derived from a word that was used to describe carnival performers with strange acts. Some "geeks" would bite the heads of of poultry and others would do much worse. I believe they were in much the same capacity as a clown, the major difference being that a geek would have some specialized act that made them stand out and usually included something nasty. As a fan of etymology ( and no that is not the study of insects) I am always interested in finding out how such terms came to be used as they are today. I assume that as a geek was a carnival performer the term is associated in meaning with terms like joker and fool. So the question is, how do we find the historical bridge that takes us from biting the heads of chickens to taking over the world one bit at a time?
uncutsaniflush - 02/28/06 19:52
if my memory serves me correctly, the circus "geek" comes from the Scottish word "geck" that means fool. I think it appears in Shakespeare as well.

I've a vague memory that I heard that the engineering sort of "geek" has something to do with a military acronym for General Electrical Engineering Knowledge or GEEK. Not really sure if I believe that though.