My stupid tenants leave their windows open all the time. I see it whenever I go by. Yesterday, they has their stuff stolen. Looks like someone came in through the door or a window with no evidence of breaking and entering. I feel bad for the girl who lost her laptop and the guy who lost his digital camera but who leaves the window or door open on a first floor apartment in the city.
Then to make matter worse the bank guy has to come evaluate the building for a home equity loan and the stupid tenant who I called and told he would be coming would not let him in. Even though I was on the phone explaining it. It is the guys fault for coming early, but there was no need for her to freak out. She pretended that she didn't know it was going to happen even though I clearly explained it to her yesterday. I was so angry I think I yelled at her and then hang up the phone. I hate it when people lie to me directly.
So here is the best part, we go ovet ot the house today after the fiasco with the bank inspector and the same girl who asked me to change the locks left the first floor window on the porch open again.
The only thing separating her from another robery was a thin window screen. Nobody even had to climb up, they could just go on the porch and go in. Who is so stupid to leave the window open the day after you get robbed? Maybe she had nothing left. Anways, I am so tired of supporting her charity case. My father even paid her rent when she couldn't afford to pay for a roomate that left. (e:paul,3934) He is a sucker for this jerk.
The only reason I keep this tenant around is because my father feels bad for her, but that is finally ending. Her rent is dirt cheap and she constantly has problems.
These are the same idiot who could not figure out how to put up the plastic I kindly bought them for their windows. It doesn't even require reading. The instructions are shown as pictographs for pete's sake.
The other day her and her roommate could not get the window open so I had to go over to open it. Turns out int he winter they had caulked and painted it shut. One gir caulked the other girl painted over it, so neither would claim responsibility to the entire problem.
I am debating if I should just kick them all out by not renewing their lease in August. She asked me the other day if I could find roomates for her because she didn't feel it was her responsibilty. I am tired of feeling sorry that she is a poor foreigner. Why the fuck did she chose to come to school in America. A private school nonetheless.
I didn't even go to private school and I am a citizen with instate costs.
Remembering 666
I found this old fish in the freezer at my house, yuck:
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/06/2006 19:14 #32651
Go To HellCategory: tenants
06/04/2006 13:40 #32649
Gay Pride ParadeCategory: pride
06/01/2006 20:44 #32648
Smashmouth at Thursday in the SquareCategory: thursday
It is so empty at Thursday in the square. The first band sucks, I think it's called army of me.
This 'tiny' little white boy goes up to (e:enknot) and asks him if he just started skting and if it's a new board. (e:enknot) said he had it for a bit. The the kid asked if he could Ollie. 3:knot said ya, then he asked if (e:enknot) could kickflip finally if he could just have the skateboard. Who does that?
More people showed up for Smash Mouth. I wonder how many people will leave to see the Sabres Game. I have pretended to like hockey so much its insane. Thank god for (e:knot) or I would sound like an idiot.
People were beating the shit out of each other in the mosh pit and throwing their shoes up in the air.
More sounds from Smash Mouth.The skipping is from when I was checking my email. I think it maxed out the processor doing both on the phone. The song everyone wanted to hear is at the end of that one.
The baja sausage bar at Roswell was so good today. Sorry (e:jenks), I didn't see the text message about meeting for lunch until I was at Thursday in the square. I had accidentlly set a soundless video as my ringtone.
This 'tiny' little white boy goes up to (e:enknot) and asks him if he just started skting and if it's a new board. (e:enknot) said he had it for a bit. The the kid asked if he could Ollie. 3:knot said ya, then he asked if (e:enknot) could kickflip finally if he could just have the skateboard. Who does that?
More people showed up for Smash Mouth. I wonder how many people will leave to see the Sabres Game. I have pretended to like hockey so much its insane. Thank god for (e:knot) or I would sound like an idiot.
People were beating the shit out of each other in the mosh pit and throwing their shoes up in the air.
More sounds from Smash Mouth.The skipping is from when I was checking my email. I think it maxed out the processor doing both on the phone. The song everyone wanted to hear is at the end of that one.
The baja sausage bar at Roswell was so good today. Sorry (e:jenks), I didn't see the text message about meeting for lunch until I was at Thursday in the square. I had accidentlly set a soundless video as my ringtone.
06/01/2006 20:24 #32647
The Hate FreaksCategory: hate
Why do these people hate Thursday in the Square so much. I think they come to listen to the music but use the signs as an excuse to get away with it in the context of their 'puritanical' lifestyles.
I am glad there are laws because they make me so angry I could kill one. I would really like to kill this one. He has affected me multiple times over many yeas. As the blogosphere as my witness he will someday pay dearly.
(e:matthew) and (e:terry) remember when he promised to protest at our house every saturday. The time he had the megaphone and you turned on the lawnmower. I will have to link to the journal when I get home.
I am thrilled that they are surrounded by young people fighting with and yelling at them. They are the most digusting perversion of christianity that exists.
I am glad there are laws because they make me so angry I could kill one. I would really like to kill this one. He has affected me multiple times over many yeas. As the blogosphere as my witness he will someday pay dearly.
(e:matthew) and (e:terry) remember when he promised to protest at our house every saturday. The time he had the megaphone and you turned on the lawnmower. I will have to link to the journal when I get home.
I am thrilled that they are surrounded by young people fighting with and yelling at them. They are the most digusting perversion of christianity that exists.
pyrcedgrrl - 06/05/06 02:48
Whenever you feel like killing a random religious extremist, just think of the imbeciles who drove up from the south (Georgia? Virginia?) last year who thought they were here to protest the Gay Pride parade.
Sadly, they were a week late and ended up protesting the Allentown Art Festival instead. :-x
Down with Art!! lol
Whenever you feel like killing a random religious extremist, just think of the imbeciles who drove up from the south (Georgia? Virginia?) last year who thought they were here to protest the Gay Pride parade.
Sadly, they were a week late and ended up protesting the Allentown Art Festival instead. :-x
Down with Art!! lol
paul - 06/02/06 10:46
You can tell these people are crazy. They kind of remind me of cristalbelle's gang from that Silent Hill Movie.
You can tell these people are crazy. They kind of remind me of cristalbelle's gang from that Silent Hill Movie.
mrdeadlier - 06/02/06 10:22
It's people like this that make me embarassed to call myself a Christian. I assure you that not all Jesus Freaks are actually freaks. :(
It's people like this that make me embarassed to call myself a Christian. I assure you that not all Jesus Freaks are actually freaks. :(
If she's a hottie, offer to install webcams in her house.
This way the eStrip guys can, ahem, keep an eye on her house, in case it gets broken into again... especially the bathroom: I hear that's a big security hole.
Just offerin' to help, that's all...
Dont renew the lease. If she has not been responsible in upholding her end of the lease, than give her the boot. Dont feel bad.. this is business, not a charity. At this point, from what you have written, it appears she is taking advantage of everyone.
If this was a case of someone who is responsible and makes every effort to be a good tenant, that would be something to consider..
but it isnt.
Boot her (dumb?) ass.
It is never the landlords responsibility to find roommates for a tenant who would otherwise not be able to live there. How fucking stupid is this girl?
You don't need this, and if she is a risk to not be able to cover rent than that is her issue. This ain't a fucking soup kitchen. C'mon Paul - do the right thing.
i vote you kick her the fuck out. who askes their landlord to find them roommates? thats just insane.