No not my own babies, but sugar glider babies. They are so freakin cute. This one comes from a site called
I spent most of the day documenting new code libraries I have written at Roswell. Those of you that know me well know that I hate this more than anything in the world.
I have been thinking. I am going to try and finish my thesis in the next two weeks although it no longer has any real affect on my life. I just need closure.
(e:shawnr) was right that I am just avoiding it because I have an emotional block from the whole not being a professor drama. This became very clear to me when I heard someone that sounded like someone from Canisius the other day and my bodies first response was a fight or flight response.
On another front I am gettign tougher everyday, although yesterday wasn't very indicative as i was exhausted after lifting. We were able to leg press 370lbs which is an insane amount of weight for me.
Whatever these are I really want one.
Speaking of nicknames
(e:sbrugger,36) - I used to be called pinocinose because my nose was the same size as it is now, but I had a little kid head. They even used to tease my that my trombone case was my nose case.
I want to look have this guys body shape so bad. That is my ideal size and then I will quit, I have no interest in getting bigger than that.
Okay which is cuter the guy or this?
Definately, not this
(GOOGLE - aye aye)
Sorry to hear about your car. Perhaps it is a radiator issue, who knows, I'm not at all an expert in diagnosing these things. Good thing you guys have all those bus tokens! Hehe, just joking. Hopefully it won't be a super expensive thing to take care of.