It is very unusual for us to make a day out of the suburbs but today
(e:matthew) and I made it out to superflea and amvets in cheetowaga. I found nothing I wanted at either but realized that the is an entire market around old/stolen cell phones that I definately need to look into. Maybe I can just get a cheap side camera phone for now.
I am so sick of not being able to take normal pics with the oh so fancy nokia 7710. i cannot belive the camera is broken as the camera was the selling point for me. I have been redued from 1.3MP to 300pixels as only the preview of the image looks normal.
Amvets had this scary doll reaching up at me. I felt bad for her.
We ate at fuddruckers. I guess I have made a full 360 since the days
(e:hodown) and I locked their doors with superglue during a vegan terrorism raid.
They had all these local history images.
I also got to eat ostrich. It really does taste just like beef. Suburban food is really crappy though, at east in comparison to something like Jimmy Macs.
The superflea had so much strange crap. Stuff I couldn't even imagine befoe like this 14k and diamond jesus. It seems so anti-jesus to me.
(e:terry) contemplates his food at fuddruckers.
Oh man! Kuni's was the first place I went to by myself to have sushi (my first time I had no choice). Kuni's will be sorely missed...
I'll have fond memories of our night out there with the Larson paparazzi crew. So sad.
Wow... i needed to read the link. I guess i was too late...
I reckon i will have to go eat there for the first and last time, then, eh?