paulSideKick: My neighbor is getting her master in creativity
paulSideKick: and she does these brainstormign faciliations
paulSideKick: for problems and projects, etc
kerwin0779: that sounds neat
paulSideKick: anyways I scheduled one for saturday at 1
paulSideKick: for the history project
paulSideKick: and was wondering if you were interested
kerwin0779: i am
paulSideKick: whats a dvd toy
kerwin0779: i will know tomorrow if I'll be in town
paulSideKick: You can send me an email when you know
kerwin0779: sure thing
paulSideKick: they are kind of fun
paulSideKick: I did one with her before
paulSideKick: its lots of brainstorming
paulSideKick: and post it notes
paulSideKick: and creativity
kerwin0779: v. cool
paulSideKick: but its a good way to get some ideas out about what direction to go in
kerwin0779: and if you have someone who knows how to facilitate it
kerwin0779: and keep the ideas going
kerwin0779: that's awesome
paulSideKick: ya
paulSideKick: she's good
you go boyeee lol good luck!!! yes i will be chillin in the ghetto with my homeys..when are u guys having that halloween party?
Dang, and look at that pay! I'm rootin for ya!
my fingers are crossed... well, ok, while i am typing they are not, but just before and just after they will be and in my mind they are and if i coudl cross my toes, they would be!!! :)
Good Luck Paul!! :)
good luck paul, (e:leetee) and i have our fingers crossed.