Paul's enthusiasm and commitment to his vision, paired with his obsession for mastering new technologies, makes him an unstoppable force. In all my career history as production and design lead on cross-functional teams developing sites like, I have never had as much confidence in the lead developer as I had working with Paul. His work style is efficient, direct, decisive, and empowering to those who work with him. He is a joy to work with - eager to attain mutual understanding and agreement, patient and engaging when explaining technical concepts, always positive, resourceful and innovative.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/14/2005 00:30 #32283
Thanks LisaCategory: work
10/13/2005 23:12 #32282
Facilitation MadnessCategory: rememberbuffalo

paulSideKick: My neighbor is getting her master in creativity
paulSideKick: and she does these brainstormign faciliations
paulSideKick: for problems and projects, etc
kerwin0779: that sounds neat
paulSideKick: anyways I scheduled one for saturday at 1
paulSideKick: for the history project
paulSideKick: and was wondering if you were interested
kerwin0779: i am
paulSideKick: whats a dvd toy
kerwin0779: i will know tomorrow if I'll be in town
paulSideKick: You can send me an email when you know
kerwin0779: sure thing
paulSideKick: they are kind of fun
paulSideKick: I did one with her before
paulSideKick: its lots of brainstorming
paulSideKick: and post it notes
paulSideKick: and creativity
kerwin0779: v. cool
paulSideKick: but its a good way to get some ideas out about what direction to go in
kerwin0779: and if you have someone who knows how to facilitate it
kerwin0779: and keep the ideas going
kerwin0779: that's awesome
paulSideKick: ya
paulSideKick: she's good
10/14/2005 02:29 #32281
New HopeCategory: work

you go boyeee lol good luck!!! yes i will be chillin in the ghetto with my homeys..when are u guys having that halloween party?
Dang, and look at that pay! I'm rootin for ya!
my fingers are crossed... well, ok, while i am typing they are not, but just before and just after they will be and in my mind they are and if i coudl cross my toes, they would be!!! :)
Good Luck Paul!! :)
10/11/2005 22:16 #32279
max width in IEThe code looks something like this. I make a class for a thumnail image. every oterh browser ignores the expression. Every other browser follows the max-wdith = 150px The expression is not too bad. I am thinking you could do some cool stuff with it.
width:expression(this.width < 150? "auto": "150px" );
10/13/2005 02:29 #32280
This old House and StuffCategory: mood
This is the kind of journal entry I promised myself I would not have after last June.
So those of you that know me, know that I am almost never depressed. At least I had never been unitl last spring. I thought I would get over it but it seems to be getting worse the more money I owe. I know what it is about, but I don't know how to change anything. I just want a full-time job with health benefits doing something I paid all that money to go to school for and am good at. I also want it to be in Buffalo, instead of California. Maybe it is too much to ask for.
I know I am developing some really horrible depression because I am shutting everyone out and inventing all this extra work for myself that is increasingly more complicated to complete in order to prove to myself that I am in fact capabable of doing everything. The tasks get increasingly more time consuming and complicated the more depressed I get. It takes my mind off the fact that I feel like a total failure. Maybe I should just drink beer like everyone else.
Because I didn't get that job at Canisius, I am in such a bad place in Buffalo. I am reminded of it everyday. Worst of all I let down my best buddies. I need to just give up my dream of being a full-time professor in my home town. I am faced with the decision of giving up my career goals and moving on or giving up my hometown. I am not willing to wait until I am 45 to start a full-time job. I am sure I am not ever going to get a full time teaching position job at UB as I graduated from there and they seem to be moving more toward film anyways. Canisius probably won't have another job for a long time, and they didn't want me anyway.
My hopes were so destroyed followed the events of last spring. I still have no idea what made me the wrong canidiate for the position. It made it so bad that most of the people in charge of making the decisions could not even understand what it is I do. I felt I had proven myself with years of dedicated work but that amounted to nothing. I didn't have a history in industry but what does that really amount to. Especially in digital media arts, I think my teaching history combined with my work and stellar academic record made up for it. Moreover, industry experience certainly doesn't necessarily make someone a qualified teacher. I have witnessed that first hand.
The sitution made me hate school at UB because I saw it as such a huge burden of time and money with no return. That's the real reason I haven't completed my thesis. Had I got the job, everything would have been in on time, but I hated to look at it. It represented everything that defeated me.
Everytime I look at it, it reminds me of the crushing feeling of owing $80,000 and having no real hope of ever getting out of debt with becomming the person I never wanted to be. I have two useless degrees. One in German language and this new Master in Fine Arts. The second one I only chose because it fit my career goal and I was prompted by my employer. It was supposed to be the useful degree that wasn't just about learning for the sake of learning.
After the situation someone at work told me that in the future I should be more friendly with the other faculty. I was never very unfriendly though. It kind of made me feel weird. Like was it that I didn't go to their Christmas parties and invite them to my house. I should have just gone and brought terry or matthew. I was jist afraid that would ruin my career. How much worse could it have gotten.
So what triggered this now. Today I learned the new professor does not do game development. It Probably does't seem so significant but it makes me feel really weird about the whole process. Could the job description have been any more explicit about their interest in game and real-time 3d. For a while I thought maybe I didn't have enough experience with real-time modeling (I have lots of experince with real-time modeling and texturing) and that some of my work was too "rendered." Guess that wasn't the case.
I also I got an email that they are thinking of starting a masters program. To bad I just spent $50,000 on one in order to try and get the job that never panned out. Now there is talk of some other full time lab director job. I just can't tell if it is for real or if it is that same memo I got almost every semester since I started there back in 2001 telling me that soon there would be full-time work and many even benefits. I just want a full-time job with beneifts doing something I don't feel morally opposed to. Sometimes I think they make it up to get me to stick around.
If it doesn't work out I am going to try something totally new without computers. Maybe I will go back to basics and just get some meaningless unskilled job until I die.
I am so glad I saved this message form that day [inlink]paul,3328[/inlink]. I love my parents even if I don't see them enough. I know they were so dissapointed.
oh paulo, I'm so sorry you're depressed, and you're right - you never are. California's not so bad....I love you; your sister thinks of you often...
This sounds like me a year ago. All these degrees, all this debt; for what?? To interview for a job you really want, think you have a chance, then read that they hired a baffoon (because they couldn't even bother to send you a rejection letter). Yet now I can see a reason. I wouldn't have decided to stay in Buffalo, I wouldn't have run into (e:strip), I wouldn't have met all you fine people if it hadn't played out the way it did. Does it make it suck any less, no. Just know that you are surrounded by folks that love you, and eventually you will the reason why.
Yes, Paul, hang in there!!!
I know you are feeling down and disappointed and feel that it would be so damn easy to just give up and go get some unskilled job somewhere, but you would be more depressed if you did that. Sure, at first, you would be releived by the money and benefits, but sooner reather than later, you would be back to feeling depressed and instead, you might feel like you sold yourself out. Don't give up on your dreams. You are talented!!
(((((((((((((((((((( Paul ))))))))))))))))))))))))
hang in there, {{{{{{{paul}}}}}}, i've found that sometimes our lives can take an unexpected new, good and exciting turn just when it seems the darkest.
Perhaps you are meant for greater things than being a professor at Canisius.
I think you have the talent and the ability to come up with something fantastic computer-wise that will have the world beating a path to your door.
Hang in there Paul. Those of us who had to "pack it in" and really give up on all of our dream jobs wish somewhere deep down that we hadn't. Don't give up just isn't the same when you know you're doing something that you KNOW you're so much better than, but that has all the "stability comforts" that come along with big business.
aww yay paul!!