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10/08/2005 21:14 #32276

The Remember Buffalo Project
Category: rememberbuffalo
Today (e:matthew), (e:terry) and I went to the Buffalo Historical Society to get inspired for The Remember Buffalo Project . I am so excited now. They had so much information but were missing exactly what i want to capture. The personal memories associted with the historical events, places, and architechture.

There was the great quote about the building of the 33 which divided the city into two sections. The quote said

By the mid 20th century, the automobile and superhighway further transformed the city. Private cars allowed more people to live farther from work. Suburbs became linked to offices downtown by networks of superhighways. The highways divided many of the old neighborhoods.]

Here are some pics from the Kennsigton being built.


What they are missing is the thousands personal accounts that I plan on capturing with the Buffalo memory network

Today I added a linkdump for the memory project where people can add relevent research links and ideas.


They also had this incubator, I couldn't get over how future yet retro it was.


And a great sound clip jingle from Sattlers the department store that used to be on Broadway before broadway started to die. I love the jingle, and I could get pctures now we just need the memories to go with it.


It will be so fun to visit all these ghosts on mobile phones and to inspire all the fmaily interactions that the proectw ill require.

10/07/2005 23:05 #32275

Matthew and Socks
Category: clothes
Sharing socks with (e:matthew) for the last 4 years, I have seen more holes than in my whole life. In fact I don't think any of my socks ever had holes before I met him. He does have really long toes and toenails. But I think it is because he walks so much or that he lets his shoes run down really bad.


alison - 10/07/05 19:04
yup- my house is all hardwood floors, with nails that stick up about a quarter of an inch. my socks are hole-tastic.
matthew - 10/07/05 19:02
it's the hardwood floors. they tear the crap out of them.

10/07/2005 18:24 #32274

spot coffee ripoff
Category: food
I went to spot with (e:matthew) and (e:terry) and got a grande chai. It was about half full and took about six sips to drink. I think (e:lilho) is right - spot sucks. While she is moving on to starbucks, i am going to move on to Caffee Aroma. Unfortunately, she has something against them.

The blonde guy who works here, that had the broken arm is the best employee. He is always so friendly. He was that way at feelrite too. If I had a busines I would hire him.


10/07/2005 00:07 #32273

Student Art Gallery
Category: design
I have been stuck on the design phase for the student web gallery at Canisius. It is a weird balance between making it look good and making the design not stand out too much.


on a wider screen


Another issue is that I only work on it about 4 hours a week. Originally my contract had more "work" time built in to do things like this and the checkin database which I already finished but then my boss had this idea to have me work in the lab. Well it is impossible to get any work done in the lab because no matter where I am students and faculty find me and ask questions. Not that I don't like answering questions, it's just I never get time to work on stuff like this.

This is what it looks like now. You can click ont he thumbnauil to the left or right to load pics into the main box. If you want a full 1024x768 size image you can click on the main mage to load it in another window.

The space at the bottom and the top right will be used for other info, etc. Not sure yet. I will probably change it all before it is done.

10/06/2005 22:46 #32272

Wilson Farms
Category: elmwood
I am amazed at how long the lin e was at Wilson's Farms today. It seriously wrapped around and up the isle. You can only see part of it in the pic and that was at 10:43 PM. I find it ironic that the prices are almost if not more expensive than the coop.


There was the usual crowd. The woman that runs the launromat cross the street, the crazy lady that told (e:mike) he needs to go fight in Iraq, and andre. It's funny that this site pretty much started it's public phase over some racist drama at the Farm [inlink]news,29[/inlink]. I wish I had a media cpable cell phone back then but this was way pmobl.
metalpeter - 10/07/05 19:12
That wilson farms is like that. When I worked there you would get rushes. There would be no one in the store or in line then out of nowhare lots of people would come in. When I worked there they where the busiest wilson farms and did the most buisness out of them all. I was a stock boy and got along with mostly everybody there. I read the linked journal. I don't remember Ken working there when I was there but Managers do move around some. There is a ken who works at the other Elmwood wilson farms but I don't know if it is the same guy. I know that "The Farm" used to have a problem with pan handlers but once they saw the cops they just leave.