You may ask what brought on all this excitement. Well, Alias the makers of Maya were bought by Autodesk for $182 million. That is such a small amount of money for what Maya seems worth but basically it is bought in cash by autodesk the makers of 3D studio max. I hate that program, the interface was so freakin crappy. Maya and 3ds are similar enought though where one of them is going to have to die with the merger. I bet it is Maya.
PowerPoint presentation about the merger

The alias website

I have no intention of ever learning 3ds. I learned cinema 4d, I learned maya and to be honest I am too uninterested to have to learn another work flow to do the same thing. When I say I learned them I don't mean that I got a rough idea how to use them. I mean I learned how to do just about everything the package has to offer. I taught them.
I cannot believe that Alias only made $83 million last year and autodesk made over 1 billion. No wonder they could afford to just buy it in cash. I makes me wonder why they did not just buy it before.
I wonder if Autodesk will kill the mac line. This is probably the most satisfying news I have heard all year. So much for industry standard Barry, we should have just stuck with C4D

I'm definitely happy for you Paul. I admire Programing and wish I could do more than HTML/CSS/SSI
So, do you want to be an "industry analyst" on this story too?