Imagine the type of faily interaction this will inspire as families get togther and look at the documents on the site. You could even print out the documents and pass them around. The images and quotes, news paper clipping and other media will surely draw memories giving families a chance to share history. But it doesn't stop that. From there the memories can be inputed into the website, opening memories up to the benefits of file sharing.
From there the memories can be inputed into the The Remember Buffalo Project website, opening memories up to the bebenfits of file sharing. What makes it more interestoing is that people can invoke these memories on location from their cell phones downtown.
By sending these memories from the The Remember Buffalo Project to the location via cell phones, the memories are able going to transcend the family boundaries that they would otherwise be trapped inside of. In effect we will be allowing memories to take on a life of their own and haunt the locations they were inspired from.
Like me, I was trapped in a sunless room helping people attain mediocracy all day. Some people make it sort of worth it. But I would like sun.

At least I got to eat at spot. I am the tyranosaurus. The prices are so ridiculous here. The sandwich now costs $7.25.

Phase -1 is getting a group of interested people together to brainstorm the process of the other phases. Maybe we should start there.
Paul, are the phases to this project linear in nature? I realize some must be from a logistical standpoint. However, you mentioned projects such as grant writing, research and others that could probably begin soon. I would like to know your strategy, and maybe I can lead or follow in one of the projects. I have various breaks in my schedule, so lets discuss :)