Paul's Journal
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10/06/2005 22:46 #32272
Wilson FarmsCategory: elmwood
There was the usual crowd. The woman that runs the launromat cross the street, the crazy lady that told (e:mike) he needs to go fight in Iraq, and andre. It's funny that this site pretty much started it's public phase over some racist drama at the Farm [inlink]news,29[/inlink]. I wish I had a media cpable cell phone back then but this was way pmobl.
10/06/2005 01:00 #32271
This man looks so freakyCategory: tatoo
hey, thats my boyfriend.
That is a little differant, hay as long as the guy is happy I can't bash him. I think he dosn't look as odd as "The Eningma" I wish I could remember if I posted any pics of him.
First thought that popped into my head after seeing this picture - "why"
10/05/2005 16:13 #32270
Bye Bye AliasCategory: computers
You may ask what brought on all this excitement. Well, Alias the makers of Maya were bought by Autodesk for $182 million. That is such a small amount of money for what Maya seems worth but basically it is bought in cash by autodesk the makers of 3D studio max. I hate that program, the interface was so freakin crappy. Maya and 3ds are similar enought though where one of them is going to have to die with the merger. I bet it is Maya.
PowerPoint presentation about the merger
The alias website
I have no intention of ever learning 3ds. I learned cinema 4d, I learned maya and to be honest I am too uninterested to have to learn another work flow to do the same thing. When I say I learned them I don't mean that I got a rough idea how to use them. I mean I learned how to do just about everything the package has to offer. I taught them.
I cannot believe that Alias only made $83 million last year and autodesk made over 1 billion. No wonder they could afford to just buy it in cash. I makes me wonder why they did not just buy it before.
I wonder if Autodesk will kill the mac line. This is probably the most satisfying news I have heard all year. So much for industry standard Barry, we should have just stuck with C4D
10/04/2005 17:38 #32269
The SubwayCategory: subway
LaSalle Station August 8 - October 7, 2005
Humbolt Station August 22 - October 25, 2005
They have a "solution" listed on the NFTA website.
Customers can use the "Call for Aid" panel by pressing the emergency button once. The customer shall inform the police officer of their location and that the elevator is inoperable.
Customers calling from the train platform level will be advised to board the next train and proceed to the next station with a working elevator where they will board the #8 Main bus. If a bus is not scheduled to arrive for over 30-minutes, customers can use the "Call for Aid" panel to request alternative transportation.
Customers calling from the street level will be informed to board the next #8 Main bus to be transported to the next station with a working elevator. If a #8 Main bus is not scheduled to arrive for over 30 minutes, a police officer will dispatch a vehicle to transport the passenger.
Quoted from: NFTA - Metro: Routes & Fares
I also found lots of other links about the Buffalo subway system while looking for this info.
Here are some
Official Site -
Inside Metro Tunnels -
(WIKIPEDIA - Buffalo Metro Rail)
Pictures -
10/03/2005 16:06 #32268
destroying carsCategory: ub
For some reason they were smashing cars. Only in america.
I ate lunch at the Korean place and the visa vultures were lurchng again. The bitch tried to get me to agree to an over 20% interest rate. I told her to fuck off. I wanted to spit on her bt I decided to refrain. If I was on campus more I would set up a stand next to telling the truth about interest and what it means.
I cannot stand how they prey on the freshman who don't understand. They think it's a free sandwich plus $1000. It kills me that the school condones this. I am sure they get a nice kickback.
Here is a video of it.
Oh god. they were smashing a car last year too. it's ridiculous.
Yeah some of those credit card companies are worse then the MOB. They Make them sound like a great idea. There are all these hidden pit falls like that the interest bulds up and then becomes part of the amount that you owe. So it is interest on top of interest and there are so many more little tricks they use to get you.
Go read this its crazy, itll make you allergic just reading it...
That wilson farms is like that. When I worked there you would get rushes. There would be no one in the store or in line then out of nowhare lots of people would come in. When I worked there they where the busiest wilson farms and did the most buisness out of them all. I was a stock boy and got along with mostly everybody there. I read the linked journal. I don't remember Ken working there when I was there but Managers do move around some. There is a ken who works at the other Elmwood wilson farms but I don't know if it is the same guy. I know that "The Farm" used to have a problem with pan handlers but once they saw the cops they just leave.