On another note I found this thing I wrote for Trebor's class two years ago
I am a second year MFA student whose primary interests are 3D modeling and Digital Online Communities. I teach Digital Media Arts at Canisius College in Buffalo. Originally, I was studying to be a German instructor when I got addicted to computers on the streets of Thueringen. I tried several kinds of virtual "rehab" from but decided to just submit to my addiction and teach computer graphic arts instead of German, satisfying both my addiction and my love for teaching. I am especially interested in the economies of digital communities, the move away from video toward avatars in online space and the social implications of digital communication.
You can find other people you might know on that page

hey man thanks for the review, the bandwidth issue i am sure is because of all the hits...2500 in the 1st 4 hours online. i was pretty shocked myself. thanks again
fellow e-stripper