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09/28/2005 00:35 #32259

retro programming
Category: school
I have started using the chalkboard. It forces them to type. I can't believe how so many students just copy and paste chunks of code without understanding them. It's in the typing that the learning happens.


09/27/2005 22:54 #32258

Visco, Italy
Category: web
I found where I probably came from Visco, Italy Unfortuntely, that little town also had a concentration camp. That is how I found out about it.

On another note I found this thing I wrote for Trebor's class two years ago

I am a second year MFA student whose primary interests are 3D modeling and Digital Online Communities. I teach Digital Media Arts at Canisius College in Buffalo. Originally, I was studying to be a German instructor when I got addicted to computers on the streets of Thueringen. I tried several kinds of virtual "rehab" from but decided to just submit to my addiction and teach computer graphic arts instead of German, satisfying both my addiction and my love for teaching. I am especially interested in the economies of digital communities, the move away from video toward avatars in online space and the social implications of digital communication.

You can find other people you might know on that page

09/27/2005 02:40 #32257

Student Lab Checkin Database
Category: work
My first job ever involving computer coding was to code a student lab user checkin. It is amazing how much easier it was this time around when I had to make one for canisius. I think it cam eout pretty good. It lets admin users login in the specific lab. Then they can check students in. When students check cue up in the checkout list where a fancy javascript counts down the seconds, displaying how many minutes they have been in the room, updated in realtime.

Once the lab assistants log them out, the student data gets cued into a progress report which can be emailed ot the professors.



09/26/2005 16:36 #32256

Go Buffalo Rising
Category: buffalo rising
Glad to see Buffalo Rising got their site up and running. For some reason it is really slow even on my super fast adelphia connection right now. Maybe it is because everyone is trying to see the page for the grand opening. It is pretty cute.


zack - 09/26/05 19:40
hey man thanks for the review, the bandwidth issue i am sure is because of all the hits...2500 in the 1st 4 hours online. i was pretty shocked myself. thanks again

fellow e-stripper

09/25/2005 20:22 #32255

The Pink
Category: allen
Last night ended at the pink. I snapped some pics in order to remember the pink when I'm old. From the video games to the beer sign and patio.







