Helmut Lotti [inlink]paul,3860[/inlink] is going to be in Hamilton tomorrow night at 8PM. I have to go. It is $54 candian for Balcony and $64 Canadian for Orchestra and 1st Blacony seating. Is anyone else in on this?
I hung out with Katie today and ran around town hunting down Kenny Rogers. She told me about this site called menwholooklikekennyrogers.com

We hunted down a Kenny look a like. On the hunt we followed him into the ice skating rink on the street after Hertel Avenue going uptown. We ended up walking around the empty ice skating rink when we saw a janitor and asked him how much skating was. He said that they have open ice skating on Friday and Saturday night for $3.
I got a rice cooker. Now
(e:matthew) and I can get buff eating rice like sumo wrestlers. They are only $19 at target. I am sure we have spent that much on burnt rice in the past.
Leapfrog. Ya so I can't work with that commerical bullshit or anything like it. It is more like training children to recognize brand name characters.

(23:14:52) paulsidekick: learning toy
(23:14:59) paulsidekick: and it was all corporate product placement
(23:15:05) paulsidekick: like teach little jimmy to want Disney
(23:15:21) paulsidekick: I hate stuff discuised as learning
(23:15:26) paulsidekick: especially when it is for kids
(23:15:35) paulsidekick: its so wrong to get them on that I need barbie, I need disney kick
(23:15:37) Danq750: let kids be kids, jesus
(23:15:40) paulsidekick: ya
(23:16:01) Danq750: get em hooked early
(23:16:14) paulsidekick: I would rather have my kid get anything other than a closed electronic toy
(23:16:26) paulsidekick: liek an electronics set
(23:16:33) paulsidekick: is better than a prmade electronic toy
(23:16:42) paulsidekick: that only feeds them the product placement
(23:17:16) paulsidekick: did you see those pics
(23:17:22) paulsidekick: each one is name brand crap
(23:17:34) paulsidekick: look at the learning titles
(23:18:25) paulsidekick: I love the video
(23:18:37) paulsidekick: its says "kids can plug in to the tv to take learnign to the max!"
(23:19:01) Danq750: fucking a, what is wrong with a book, or with pencil and paper
(23:19:08) paulsidekick: ya
(23:19:10) paulsidekick: exactly
(23:19:18) paulsidekick: I even like computers for kids
(23:19:19) Danq750: instead, learning has to become a game
(23:19:20) paulsidekick: but when I had one
(23:19:24) paulsidekick: I had to learn to use it
(23:19:29) Danq750: yea
(23:19:30) paulsidekick: and how to control it
(23:19:34) paulsidekick: liek my vic 20
(23:19:41) paulsidekick: this is liek a nintendo
(23:19:47) paulsidekick: for character recogition
(23:19:58) paulsidekick: I really wonder
(23:20:03) paulsidekick: how it happened in the board room
(23:20:14) paulsidekick: I wonder if the people who deisgned it had the intention of making a real leaning tool
(23:20:22) paulsidekick: and the some corporate nbig wigs took over
(23:20:24) paulsidekick: and were liek
(23:20:34) paulsidekick: this would be a great way to get kids to recognize our brands
(23:20:38) paulsidekick: identities
(23:20:52) Danq750: you're 100% correct I think
(23:21:14) Danq750: they say, oh well kids recognize sponge bob
(23:21:32) Danq750: let's make a "learning game" featuring sponge bob, the kids will eat it up
(23:21:44) Danq750: no, they are less interested in kids learning than selling products
(23:22:13) Danq750: if they were interested in kids learning they would donate money so buffalo school kids can have books
Guess you aren't doing Kunis tonight? Have fun stalking Hamlet Lotti - that bicycle picture is too funny!
Hamilton Place. That hood was my old stomping grounds. I saw Morrissey there once.. got onstage and a black eye all in one night.
Ya, at Hamilton Place
Where in Hamilton? Hamilton Place? I used to live about 2 blocks from there, on Market Street. I haven't been to downtown Hamilton (aka "The Hammer") in years...