The Remember Buffalo Project will begin it's year long project development during October of 2005. This extensive media network is being created to enable visitors of the downtown Buffalo, NY area to interact with personal experiences that occurred in the region via a map based interface on the internet and a mobile technology interface on cell phones.
Memory fragments will come from local residents and visitors os the area and shall be categorized by genre and time period so that "memory tourists" on location throughout the downtown area will be able to "peel back time" using their mobile devices. Unlike typical historical and architectural tours, information is intended to be personal in nature.
You can read more about it at the project site

We will need many volunteers for The Remember Buffalo Project to help collect, scan and process documents, collect and process memories, make phone calls, arrange meetings, write for grants, test the The Remember Buffalo Project website, test the cell phone system, etc. If anyone is interested please contact me.

Phase -1 is getting a group of interested people together to brainstorm the process of the other phases. Maybe we should start there.
Paul, are the phases to this project linear in nature? I realize some must be from a logistical standpoint. However, you mentioned projects such as grant writing, research and others that could probably begin soon. I would like to know your strategy, and maybe I can lead or follow in one of the projects. I have various breaks in my schedule, so lets discuss :)