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03/21/2005 18:51 #31762

Grilling On The Go
So I get a call this afternoon from a local company that I had developed a web site for about 3 years ago. If you are looking for a grill and want to buy it from a local company, you should check them out . The factory is located right here in Buffalo on Niagara St and the prices are really cheap.


It was a fun project, back then I was using perl. The entire shopping cart system, notification system was done in perl. I wish I had had PHP back then. Today, I part of it that was having an issue, so I redid it in PHP. Wow, did the code look nicer and much shorter not to mention that I did not have to worry about UNIX line returns on the dos machine I am using for development. What is even crazier is that the server admin didn't even think he had PHP on the server.

I love PHP and anyone who says that PHP is like a little baby language is so wrong - it keeps getting bigger and better and is perfectly tailored for web development. It is fully capable of developing high end web applications. If you have used PHP up to version 4 and if you haven't checked out PHP 5 and it OOP programming ,soap, and XML capabilities than you are really missing the good stuff. Here is some moe info about why to choose PHP

Corporate users include Lufthansa which serves out 6 million pages per day using PHP. Others include Electronic arts, Disney, Deutsche Bank, lucent technologies, Walstreet online, sprint, vivendi, lycos, MIT web mail and more.

03/22/2005 03:38 #31761

Color Spy
I created a colorspy program . I was thinking about what (e:ajay) had to say [inlink]ajay,304[/inlink] and decided to try and write something that could figure out information about images. I am planning on making something that sorts them by overall color and names them accordingly. This would be useful for artists looking to sort images for use in clipart such as matthews paper cut outs. It all depends on how much time I have, I could make it way cooler than that. Maybe this will be useful for jesse?

Right now it can handle jpegs, pngs, and gifs. You simply type the entire url of the image into the form and hit the calculate button.


03/21/2005 20:09 #31760

Rzoo's frog
(e:rzoo) , Back in December I made two flash journals that use your mic like that frog [inlink]rzoo,10[/inlink]. One is called babies [inlink]paul,2483[/inlink] and the other is called Blow [inlink]paul,2482[/inlink]

03/20/2005 19:20 #31759

More Seafood
NY has the best food in the world and it's not even all that expensive sometimes. Here is fresh seafood salad and grilled calamari skewers. The shewers were so good. He ate the at republic on Union Square.

(e:hodown) said they seated us in the back because I look like a mountain man and because of her plastic surgery.




03/20/2005 19:20 #31758

Black shrouded death monument
I don't know what building this is called, but if you stand in the world trade pit you can see it directly. It is wrapped in black cloth. I thought it was a cristo thing. Turns out the building is heavily contaminated with abspestos, black mold and all other things deadly.

They can't implode it or explode it because it will release it all into the air, so they have decided to take it out piece by piece. I could never live here.