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03/20/2005 02:04 #31757

Sea Restaurant in Brooklyn
Sea (MAP TO: 114 NORTH 6TH ST)
114 North 6th St
Brooklyn, NY

This is the most insanely good restaurant I have ever been to. I have never has squid like this or shrimp as big as lobsters. I feel like the country mouse in the city. People look at me like I'm from the mountains. I guess I kind of am.


I drank this crazy drink a pomagranite mojito. It good was really but cost $12. Lukily, (e:hodown) was buying it ;) Here is the recipe

1/4 cup pomegranate juice
fresh pomegranite seeds
2 ounces white rum
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar, or to taste, recipe follows
4 ounces club soda
Cracked ice
6 sprigs fresh mint

In a cocktail shaker, combine all ingredients except the mint and shake well. Mull the mint in the bottom of a cocktail glass. Strain the pomegranate mixture into the glass with the mulled mint, and serve.

Vanilla Sugar:
1 vanilla beans, split in 1/2 lengthwise and crosswise
4 cups granulated sugar

In a large container with an airtight closure, place 1/2 of the sugar. Add the bean quarters and cover with the remaining 2 cups of sugar. Close tightly. Place in a cool, dark place. Twice a day shake the container to distribute the vanilla essence. Continue the process for at least 1 week and up to 3 weeks. Replace the sugar as it is used.



03/20/2005 00:55 #31756

Who would have though?
Standing at the place of the former world trade center, looking into the giant hole in the ground was as freaky as I imagined it. It is a regular train station now.

03/19/2005 23:42 #31755

I'm here in the City
I arrived safely!! My phone died! We got lost a lot but thank god for cellphones.




(e:robin) is the biggest chain smoker I have ever, I managed to smoke only three cigarettes,which is a miracle considering I only recently quit smoking.


03/19/2005 13:54 #31754

expensive little tino
The golden tortoise had an $80 vet bill with an equally expensive follow up visit next week.

Why can't he be like basra?

03/19/2005 12:40 #31753

At the vet
We are at the vet with tino this morning. He is traveling in a ziploc box. Hopefully, they can heal his pinkeye
