This is how I remember it.
As a child I used to play in there all the time. I should have listened to my parents. Now as an adult, I know the building is full of toxic abstestos. I can't even believe it is structurally sound. I remember one time being in a part of it when the ceiling collapsed. At the time we though it was cool. Looking back it was stupid. The goal of each visit was to go play behind the clock and manually change the time by moving the arms. It was such an adventure to get up to that part without falling through or dying. Oh the life of suburban children gone wild. I think we just didn't understand death very well. We also used to play in the sewers, abandoned grain mills, old building on Niagara Street and Behind Linde in the toxic nuclear waste dump from the Manhatten project
(e:paul,30660) . Buffalo is just fun like that.
It was abandoned in such a weird way that everything was left there as though the people had simply dissapeared. You could go through the desks and find tons of paperwork and itinerarys, etc.
The part of the whole thing that is so sick, is that it should have been cleaned up by some profressional group with space suits instead of volunteers. Especially, when some of those voluneteers were children.
Those pictures are so disgusting. Why does the lone child not have a mask, and has anyone done home repair with fine dust? Do you believe these children are being properly ventilated and that these little paper sars masks are working?
My biggest question now is what is this restoration really working toward?. We obviously could never have another viable train station in Buffalo. Especially, not in that neighborhood, so what is it all about? Why does the
Central Terminal Restoration Corporation!! 
care about this place? Maybe someone here knows more than I do, but I can't see how it is that important in people memories. This building was only around from 1929 to 1974, so it doesn't even have that long of a history. Furthermore, the type of history it has is really not so very different from any other point of travel, such as the airport.
So imagine this, the airport shut down because of bad business,etc right now. Can you actually see yourself doing an airport restoration project. Not me! Just because something is old (<100years old) does not mean it needs to be restored. especially when it's in as crappy of condition as this building. BUt most importantly, if the Central Terminal Restoration Corporation ever makes money off that building, how will they justify the fact that they used "volunteer" child labor to do their toxic waste cleanup?