Angry Former Participant,
The page seven journal was not written by the staff at We regret to inform you that we will not be deleting it as it would be against our censorship policy. We have, however, as per your request, asked that the user who wrote it, politely take it down. As it does not mention you specifically, we have decided that conduct rule 4. "By becoming an
(e:peep) you agree to not create and/or display
(e:content) that includes personal information about a third party without their consent," does not exactly apply here.
As a partcipant in this socially networked public performance project, you were not a customer, you were a particpant.
(e:peeps) (members of with
(e:content) upload permissions) that partake in our non-commercial, social networking performance are always taking a risk when entering the public spotlight by starting a journal.
By removing the part of yourself (your
(e:content)) that was your representative structure within the greater scheme of the site's social relationships, you have created a situation that other
(e:peeps) are reacting to.
I can assure you that the sooner you leave the situation alone, the quicker it will fade into history.
(E:strip) Staff