Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/20/2005 00:55 #31756
Who would have though?03/19/2005 23:42 #31755
I'm here in the CityI arrived safely!! My phone died! We got lost a lot but thank god for cellphones.

(e:robin) is the biggest chain smoker I have ever, I managed to smoke only three cigarettes,which is a miracle considering I only recently quit smoking.

(e:robin) is the biggest chain smoker I have ever, I managed to smoke only three cigarettes,which is a miracle considering I only recently quit smoking.

03/19/2005 13:54 #31754
expensive little tino03/19/2005 12:40 #31753
At the vet03/18/2005 22:49 #31752
Does anyone remember plastikman"I don't remember falling asleep. The last thing I remember is, I was saying to her, they're all crazy. Even you. You're all crazy. Even me, she said? I thought, oh right, if I categorically eliminate all other people, it's just me and her. She'd like that. Especially you, I said. You're virtually the ringleader, the way I see it. And then I blew out the candle." -Plastikman

I found a site with mp3 samples online
. The song called helicopter totally sounds liek my basic stamp.

I found a site with mp3 samples online