(e:chaibiscoot), do you have cats and dogs. I am very allergic to them. If not I vote yes. (e:terry) and (e:matthew) vote yes either way
[size=m]Elmwood Pets[/size]
I attended a trip to Elmwood Pets Supplies (MAP TO: 706%20ELMWOOD%20AVE) with (e:matthew) in order to get some crickets. I am glad I went because while I was there I met Sara(h), who I think will be the newest writer on the site. She thought I worked there and asked me about the deal on Fishtanks. 55 gallons for $49. I asked her what she had and she told me that she wanted it for her turtle. I told her about Basra the tortoise and then we talked about Coffee & and writing. She said she loves to write and then I told her baout the site. So if this is you Sara(h), it was nice meeting you and tell me, how do you spell your name?