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08/25/2004 10:17 #31175

Svetlana Khorkina Slandered by Xinhuanet
Category: web
Once again I was reading the Chinese News at and found an article on the now famous gymnast Svetlana Khorkina from the olympics. The have this whole gallery of her life. Check out the above link for the full-sized pics, there are about 100. At first it looks so innocent. Pictures of this little gymnast, followed by pics of her childhood. Then you keep scrolling and find what looks to be trashy porn. I guess it shows you never know when stuff will catch up with you. It is a shame that on this tribute to her achievements, they have this smut.


The first one and maybe even the second picture "could" have been for some artistic purpose.


This third one was clearly porn. I airbrushed it a little to make it appropriate for my journal. Look at the scruffy man behind her in the shadow with his hand on her shoulder. He looks about 50 and she was born in 1979.! She must have been in some really desparate time. Here in the actual text of the article, they don't mention those pictures at all.


What a shame that a women who has made it so far is reduced to a man toy with this picture. I guess it's her own fault. It even kind of even shames the olympics a little. Why do you think she would do it. I mean she could have posed naked in some much less skanky way and definately without the man in the shadows.

Here is an exmaple of what would have been better. These two Olympians posed for studiomagazines (I found this through Xinhuanet too ) Click on Athens Dream. These pictures are so much better. They are showing off the prowess of the olympians bodies without compromising them in a sexual nature or degrading them as Svetlana's pictures did.



08/24/2004 18:30 #31174

Action Needed
Category: estrip
In reference to my previous articles [inlink]paul,1835[/inlink] and [inlink]paul,1823[/inlink], I would just like to reiterate the fact that while I am reliable for the technical side of stuff, I am notoriously bad at social networking. I can't even talk about the site in public because I can't overcome the angry feeling I get when people assume I am trying to sell something. I am definately not a salesman. That is my achilles heel. Seriously, I have a hard enough time ordering pizza.

Most people wouldn't guess this because if you know me personally, I am very social and talkative. It's just strangers.

I think that's why the site grew so slowly last year. I can't imagine how much different it would have been if I had really promoted it to people on the street and at festivals, etc. My goal for the summer was 300 people and we are at 115 now on Auguest 28th. I could barely deal with holding the microphone for the video interviews.

So, do we have anyone who can offer those kind of skills. There has to be a PR person out there, who can interface with the public.

It is very important right now because the last important summer event is coming this weekend. I would like us to have a big presence at the elmwood art festival. It is a hige chance to recruit people to write about their elmwood experience and make this historical record much bigger. We are at 4494 journals and about 6,000,000 letter typed.

Our house, as most of you know, is right on the street at the festival. Usually the stage is locate dright outside our window. Anyways, I need ideas and helpers? Anything? Anyone?

We will definately do more interviews. Anyone want to participate? ANyone have ideas that can really be implemented in one week?

08/24/2004 17:36 #31173

Low Poly Renders
Category: design
I was working on some really low poly heads with hair to demonstrate how few polygons can still confer an idea of the subject. It's kind of like line drawing with few lines.




Here I made the hair bigger than the head, so that it looks like a hood.


08/26/2004 12:07 #31172

La Luna and Tree Cut
Category: elwood
After the laundry last night (e:southernyankee) and I went out to La Luna (MAP TO: 52%20W%20CHIPPEWA%20ST). I never realized that they had opened the Bachus Patio for La Luna. There were at least 500 people there. I would say it was a good crowd, but the music was way to old for me and there was little or no dancing, except on the 10 ft by 10 ft dancefloor.

They had a movie screen outside where they play the Bacchus Movies. They were projecting 3D models and mini films onto it. I was quite interested in watching but could help feel it was just too many specular highlights in most of them(e.g. the gold and silver dancing robot parrots.)

Once I got there I saw the rest of the peeps. (e:lilho) , (e:jill) , (e:chriddy) , (e:jessbob) , (e:flacidness) , (e:chamille) , (e:mike) , (e:diana) , (e:terry) and about a million other people I knew. I decided I desperately needed some excerise and dancing to 80s music wasn't going to cut it. AT that point, (e:lilho) and I decided to walk home. It took about an hour but was well worth it. Now my legs are really tired.

[size=m]Tree Cut to Death on Elmwood[/size]
I spent the morning listening to them rip a giant tree down acorss the street. The gives me a sick feeling. Its been chainsaws and grinders for two hours now. I decided to record them.

This is the mini saw cutting the branches - wait till you hear the mega saw cutting the giant trunk.


I think I am going to make a lot more recordings of elmwood. Eventually I can mix it all together ina "sounds of elmwood" CD. Who knows how much time I'll really have but it seems to have a lot of potential.

Well after recording for 1 hour straight I got the best noises and that ripped into the trunk. CRacking, falling, man and machine vs nature. It was insane. Then the sound recording progra,m crashed and I lost it all. So now all you can here is the mini grinder saw.

08/23/2004 13:39 #31171

What's up with Paul
Well, as the summer winds down, I find myself overwhelmed with little projects I have created for myself. There is only one week left and I have about 1000 things to do for the site, 3D modeling, planning syllabi, etc.