After the laundry last night (e:southernyankee) and I went out to La Luna (MAP TO: 52%20W%20CHIPPEWA%20ST). I never realized that they had opened the Bachus Patio for La Luna. There were at least 500 people there. I would say it was a good crowd, but the music was way to old for me and there was little or no dancing, except on the 10 ft by 10 ft dancefloor.
They had a movie screen outside where they play the Bacchus Movies. They were projecting 3D models and mini films onto it. I was quite interested in watching but could help feel it was just too many specular highlights in most of them(e.g. the gold and silver dancing robot parrots.)
Once I got there I saw the rest of the peeps. (e:lilho) , (e:jill) , (e:chriddy) , (e:jessbob) , (e:flacidness) , (e:chamille) , (e:mike) , (e:diana) , (e:terry) and about a million other people I knew. I decided I desperately needed some excerise and dancing to 80s music wasn't going to cut it. AT that point, (e:lilho) and I decided to walk home. It took about an hour but was well worth it. Now my legs are really tired.
[size=m]Tree Cut to Death on Elmwood[/size]
I spent the morning listening to them rip a giant tree down acorss the street. The gives me a sick feeling. Its been chainsaws and grinders for two hours now. I decided to record them.
This is the mini saw cutting the branches - wait till you hear the mega saw cutting the giant trunk.
I think I am going to make a lot more recordings of elmwood. Eventually I can mix it all together ina "sounds of elmwood" CD. Who knows how much time I'll really have but it seems to have a lot of potential.
Well after recording for 1 hour straight I got the best noises and that ripped into the trunk. CRacking, falling, man and machine vs nature. It was insane. Then the sound recording progra,m crashed and I lost it all. So now all you can here is the mini grinder saw.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/26/2004 12:07 #31172
La Luna and Tree CutCategory: elwood
08/23/2004 13:39 #31171
What's up with PaulWell, as the summer winds down, I find myself overwhelmed with little projects I have created for myself. There is only one week left and I have about 1000 things to do for the site, 3D modeling, planning syllabi, etc.
08/22/2004 14:02 #31170
Democracy Building in the Dry Desert
This is the democracy- building, miracle piss that America promised Iraq before the war. It helps the democracy plant grow out of the dry desert ground.
This image would have never made it into the history books of the past, which have now been replaced by the internet. Thank you google for sewing our historical quilt even if you do support terrorists [inlink]paul,1820[/inlink] (just kidding)
Maybe this is a common democracy-building technique. It is hard to know without having had digital cameras and an internet back in 1776. Perhaps, if we had the internet back then, we would have a picture of George Washington pissing on King George's portrait.

08/21/2004 13:30 #31169
Microsoft Translation Mess A Spanish-language version of Windows XP, destined for Latin American markets, asked users to select their gender between "not specified," "male" or "bitch," because of an unfortunate error in translation.
08/21/2004 13:09 #31168
The party Was CrazyCategory: events
Everyone is still recovering from the party last night. It was nuts. Lots of people recorded the event, so I hope to see some good pics of the actual event here. I only took pics afterwards. We had at least 104 people at the party according to (e:jill) 's list, which I think is quite accurate.

I believe the last people left around 7. It was such a diverse crowd of people, many of whom did not know each other, but everyone got along great.
(e:lilho) worked the bar most of the night. She actually made $16 in tips.

Somewhere, there is a whole video of that, which I will post as soon as it is edited and compressed. Thank you (e:soyeon) for bringing your camera dn the delicious ham sushi.
Everything got really dirty. This is a picture of t he kitchen floor to give you an idea. The whole apartment is pretty nasty though, we will have a full day of cleaning ahead but I am the only person up so far.

(e:terry) took a Claritan D and past out in the living. His alergies must have been really bad.

(e:mike) went to bed early, first on top of (e:jill) 's car and then with a little work getting him back into the house, he fell asleep on the floor. Basically, how any 21st birthday party should be celebrated.

(e:matthew) 's friend's Christine and Tony came out. They brought a giant high heel pinata which complimented our parrot pinata for a dual pinata party. There was so much candy, I think that is why so many people satyed so long. Pinata's are a bad idea in the long run, they made a giant mess and now there are 3000 peices of candy to pick up.

Here is the kitchen sink, like any surface in the house it is covered in bottles. You can see the parrot pinata's head above the sink.

The Kitchen table is the same way. It will be so fun cleaning.

I believe the last people left around 7. It was such a diverse crowd of people, many of whom did not know each other, but everyone got along great.
(e:lilho) worked the bar most of the night. She actually made $16 in tips.

Somewhere, there is a whole video of that, which I will post as soon as it is edited and compressed. Thank you (e:soyeon) for bringing your camera dn the delicious ham sushi.
Everything got really dirty. This is a picture of t he kitchen floor to give you an idea. The whole apartment is pretty nasty though, we will have a full day of cleaning ahead but I am the only person up so far.

(e:terry) took a Claritan D and past out in the living. His alergies must have been really bad.

(e:mike) went to bed early, first on top of (e:jill) 's car and then with a little work getting him back into the house, he fell asleep on the floor. Basically, how any 21st birthday party should be celebrated.

(e:matthew) 's friend's Christine and Tony came out. They brought a giant high heel pinata which complimented our parrot pinata for a dual pinata party. There was so much candy, I think that is why so many people satyed so long. Pinata's are a bad idea in the long run, they made a giant mess and now there are 3000 peices of candy to pick up.

Here is the kitchen sink, like any surface in the house it is covered in bottles. You can see the parrot pinata's head above the sink.

The Kitchen table is the same way. It will be so fun cleaning.