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Paul's Journal

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08/19/2004 04:43 #31167

New Character
Category: design
Well, I am still working on this VR world for Josephine. My version of the cat monkey doesn't look like how she wants it probably but I fell in love with it now after 8 hours and its not going to change much.





08/18/2004 19:26 #31166

Some Picture of The Garden
Category: pets
These are pictures from the garden, paul style.

This is my boot. I love this boot, it has been all over the world. Basra loves to eat my boot.


He also like to eat flowers and started trying to walk on two legs in order to reach them today. It was a small step for a tortoise and a giant step for tortoisekind.


In celebration of his acheivment I made a little leg art, to show off his tough legs.


08/18/2004 16:44 #31165

Category: opinion
Holly - [inlink]holly,87[/inlink]
Ajay - [inlink]ajay,89[/inlink]

You all could not have read my whole journal because it never says that I want google to take stuff down or censor it. It states multiple times that I am against internet censorship. It was just mentioning that the issue brings up lots of questions about ethics and responsibility.

I did, however, say the people hosting the information on their server are a bit responsible for the information. It is on their computers after all. They are not just cataloging as google is! They are actively distributing this type of information.

If you are refering to this :
"Do you think America should declare war on Google(just before their Stock Market launch), as well as, on the country that is serving this document to google? "

I was simply being sarcastic and saying that it was in line with current government policies and last two wars that we fought. I don't even know how you could take it seriously as it mentions America starting a war with an American corporations. Sorry if you misunderstood what I was saying. The osama picture was part of the joke.

[size=m]What is this about?[/size]
Holly, what is this part supposed to mean, " . . on what Paul considers unsavory or even dangerous information on the internet." You make it sound like I have this weird fringe opinion that the Terroist Handbook is both dangerous and unsavory. Or are you trying to say you find the Terrorist Handbook both savory and harmless?

08/18/2004 14:54 #31163

Sales On Elmwood
Category: shopping
(e:lilho) and I went to go eat Vietnamese food at the ultra tasty vietnamese restaurant on elmwood between utica and hodge. Unfortunately, it was closed so we headed over to Ambrosia.

Along the way noticed the thrift shop at 469 elmwood had books on sale for 25 cents. Also, Pier One had 15% with student ID.


08/18/2004 16:29 #31164

Response to Jessbob
Category: estrip
Promtoion, advertsing and the radio and money

I have thought about his issue a lot as I knew it would come up at some point. I am also really curious what everyone else has to say about this.

[size=m]What to do about promoters?[/size]
In my opinion, it really doesn't affect the site too much when people use journals to promote their band, etc. If people attempt to commercialize by having promo journals, they still need to maintain an interesting journal in order to have any real lasting effect or to get the hundreds of daily readers interested enough to go to events or examine and purchase products. If they don't provide that, they lose out. It's the way I intentionally designed the system to work. By not writing continuously, a journal drifts off into a space that puts it several clicks too far away for the casual reader to find the intended message.

In this particular case, I can't complain though, because we have been looking for local music for elmwood radio, in an effort to remove corporate music from our station. However, it has been really hard to find bands. Mostly, because I am not into very into non electronic (pronounced computerized) music and don't go to many concerts. In this case, both bands contacted me about getting airtime on elmwood radio and I suggested they start a journal. (e:hanabi) also put a link on his site to ours, which drew a little extra traffic to our site.

Perhaps, in the future I will make another route avaible for people who just want their music played. But like I said earlier, without the accompanying journal, people are not very likely to pay attention to the music.

[size=m]Business Chronicles[/size]
The same thing happend a while back with this artist who made fancy custom bicycles. He started a journal but then never followed through. It definately would have been a great way to promote his bike business. Especially, seeing as he was opening a business in the elmwood area. He could have chronicled what it was like to start a business, and really gotten people interested in his bikes. I often wonder why the poepole from Coffee & don't start a journal to promote their coffee shop. It would have been really neat to see the chronicles of owning a local coffee shop on elmwood. I am sure it would have drawn more people to the store as well.

I guess I should probably just have accepted advertisements. I know I could have made a lot of money at this point but in reality I can't compromise on the ethics behind it. Say I offered a local business advertsiing space that they paid for in order to raise money for a new server, etc. Then, someone writes a journal slandering that business. I instantly have a conflict of interest and I don't want to deal with that.

[size=m]What I need[/size]
I have no idea how to manage the social and business side of things on the site, I am just a programmer! What I really need is a PR person. Someone who could deal with issues like this and interface with musicians for me. Someone that could go to events and hand out flyers and get new bands interested in playing on our site and writing journals.

I also need someone to make a promo video, design and distribute flyers, organize and host fundraiser events,as well as, find out what people like and don't like. I also need someone who can start doing more street videos and interviews, someone to contact local papers about writing a review of the site, and most important a grant writer to help me get grants so we can take this project to the next level.

First off I would use the grant money to hire the PR person, then for example, I would really like to see a place in town where the latest journal is projected onto some public space, thereby making the meaning of public journal even more public and in a way maki
ng the whole journal thing more
ngible to the average citizen who is used to televsion. I would also like to see kiosks where people can update around town ( i would build these), but without any money or a grant nothing is going to change. Any ideas? Anyone intersted in helping out with the PR side of the site?