In the article they mention that the one of them was carrying parts of the Terrorist's Handbook with them. I didn't believe such a thing existed, so I decided to check on google and sure enough it's right there (GOOGLE - "Terrorist's Handbook").
Headlines should read :
[size=m]Google Trains Terrorists[/size].
This needs to go from my blog to National news. Honestly though, I don't really want that either, cause like I said they would use this as an excuse to squish freedom of information on the net.
I really don't like the idea that this book exists. At the same time, I am very anti-internet-censorship. I wish it could just go away but now it is around and seeing as its #1 on google, it's probably been downloaded by millions of people who want to hurt people.

This brings up a lot of ethical questions about the responsibility of the search engine companies, such as google and the servers that host the pages. I believe the people that are running the servers are definately aiding terrorists. At the same time, I don't want laws to be made that target servers with materials the government defines as offensive. That could include anything, such as pictures from political protests, to demands for equal right for all people.
This discovery demonstartes the inevitable side-effects of using net technology to share information. All information can now be be shared at the click of a button and in a rhizomatic fashion, so that one posting of the information, leads to others in a continuous cycle.
I guess we can never guarantee there is only "good" stuff on the net because someone would have to define "good" and we all know that each of us feel different about what constiitutes "good" or" bad". Especially on a global scale.
But think about this. We went to war with Afganistan because they were aiding terroists and terrorist activity. At least that is the "offical reason" (oil, etc excluded.) I think that we went to war with Iraq for the same reason but right now I really don't rememeber why we went to war with Iraq - at leats officially.
Anyways, both times it was because they were helping out terrorists. So do you think America should declare war on Google(just before their Stock Market launch), as well as, on the country that is serving this document to google? Where does the chain of responsibility start ?!?
What would be thecase if it was a book that was published. Would the publisher and/or author be responsible if the book was used to city people and cripple a city?
This is crazy, I am usually so sceptical but this time I see it laying tangibly before me (GOOGLE - "Terrorist's Handbook").
I know that keeping people in a state of constant terror seems to really work when it comes to limiting personal freedoms and I recognize that the capture of these terrorists could be a government ploy to make us more afraid and give up more freedoms, but the existence of the Terrorist's Handbook is real and honestly, too real for me. I knew that something like it must have existed but never thought it was so easily reachable by all the people I don't want to have it.
Let's even exclude terroists. I don't want some mad scientist, backwood, whackjob to get a hold of it either.
On a side note the article mentions the use of toxic gas and radioactive waste to cause terror in NYC and New Jersey. I wonder if that would bring (e:hodown) home. I know I would never visit there again.