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08/17/2004 16:51 #31160

Papertrails to you. . .
Here we have the most beautiful day of the year and I'm trying to deal with paperwork crap at UB. Each time I get somewhere, I'm told to go somewhere else. It's these little beaurocracy miracles that make me so glad I chose a large school.

Everyone else is at work today. I tried to contact about twn different people about going to tudor lounge for the show and everyone is working or has plans.

I guess for most people that is a typical summer tuesday on elmwood. It's really a shame because they are missing the only nice day I can remember this summer.
So ironically, as I look up right now from writing this I se a police guy giving my car a ticket for not having a parking pass. The annoying part is I do have a parking pass but it's just not up. So I show him and he sayd I need to drive to the furthest possible place on sampus (spaulding hall) and fill out paperwork to file an appeal.

They tell me the process should take anywhee from 3-5 weeks. I hate this place so thoroughly.


08/16/2004 14:09 #31159 Rejects
I am really sad about this. I mean we are #1 under elmwood strip on just about every search engine, and the entire site is bascially just a front for the data the describes an elmwood strip experience in 2003-2004. Moreover, it is a free place for Buffalonians to express themselves and their feeling about their community on the web, without the constraints of being able to code or having a server.

Here is the letter I received:

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 12:26pm, Blackmon, Jennifer wrote:
Hi Paul-

In reviewing your website; we felt that it was of a personal nature; which goes against the criteria that we try to maintain within the WNY Web Directory.

Thank you for your time; and have a good day!

Jennifer Blackmon
New Media Coordinator

I wonder if we just focused on commerce instead of living in Buffalo, if they would have accepted us, even though I applied to be listed in the their community section.

Ironically, they have accepted much less "buffalo related" websites I have made, probably because they were all about selling stuff. Here is a to another website I found listed under their community directory. It is of course "NOT CONSIDERED PERSONAL" if it is there.

This is their logo:


I think they should have to chance it to this:


08/16/2004 01:25 #31158

What happend with Tunick
Did anyone end up going to the Spencer Tunick shoot at the Central terminal? I am so amazed at the lack of information about it. Nobody posted. There is no mention of it on the Channel 4 News Webpage and if you search for Tunick on their site, there isn't even information about the fact that he came was coming to Buffalo, only some references to his past work in New York City.

There is also nothing on Channel 2 news

Same with Channel 7 - NOTHING

I found this on

More than 2,000 people had registered to shed their clothes, pose and be photographed en masse Sunday, though not everyone who volunteered was expected to go through with it. About 450 people took part in the New York City project.

Maybe we will hear about it tomorrow. What happend to real-time news around the clock - Channel 2, 4, and 7? What happend to news on the internet? What happend to all the people that preached to me about how great this was gonna be and then never went or wrote about it? Maybe it was in fact so great that everyone is still in some sort of ecstatic state and can't write yet!

08/16/2004 00:59 #31157

Don't Cry Lilho
That really sucks (e:lilho) [inlink]lilho,156[/inlink]. It sounds like they judged you without really getting to know you. They probably thought your hand writing was too girly! I mean I can attest to the fact that you are a great cook, very responsiible, clean, and very socially compatible with any group of people I have introduced you to. Looks like they lost out in the long run - I hope you find somewhere to live, so you don't have to move to Arizona.

Someday when I have as much money as Bill Gates, I will buy out their coop house and throw them all in the street so you can live there.


08/15/2004 18:41 #31156

Back in the day
Does anyone remember this week long site incarnation just prior to the Winter 2003 blue scheme? Looking back, I believe it was the inspiration for the current site incarnation.

