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08/30/2004 22:00 #31185

Social Action
I would like to start a social action committee with people from the site. I think we have a lot of people power and ideas to offer, not to mention that we could have fun documenting the whole process. However, I would like to us to do something that would enrich the community or the environment and doesn't cost money or involve politics. I know that sounds hard to accomplish, but I don't want to have to beg everyone for money like (e:haikuster) and her run for AIDS campaign. I also don't want people to assume that our action is based on political propaganda.

If it were the beginning of spring I would suggest that we volunteered as a group for Habitat for Humanity. (e:matthew) says the the Great Lakes Cleaup is coming up soon on September 18th. Maybe we could do that? One year some of my friends and I helped cleanup Buckhorn state park on grand island. We could do something else as well. Something to help poor people? Any ideas? Any volunteers?

08/30/2004 21:48 #31184

Indian Dance Party and Elmwood Pets
[size=m]Indian Dance Party.[inlink]chaibiscoot,33[/inlink][/size]
(e:chaibiscoot), do you have cats and dogs. I am very allergic to them. If not I vote yes. (e:terry) and (e:matthew) vote yes either way

[size=m]Elmwood Pets[/size]
I attended a trip to Elmwood Pets Supplies (MAP TO: 706%20ELMWOOD%20AVE) with (e:matthew) in order to get some crickets. I am glad I went because while I was there I met Sara(h), who I think will be the newest writer on the site. She thought I worked there and asked me about the deal on Fishtanks. 55 gallons for $49. I asked her what she had and she told me that she wanted it for her turtle. I told her about Basra the tortoise and then we talked about Coffee & and writing. She said she loves to write and then I told her baout the site. So if this is you Sara(h), it was nice meeting you and tell me, how do you spell your name?


08/30/2004 18:48 #31183

Back at the CFA
We are back at the CFA, both (e:holly) and I. It is the same hospital-like atmosphere here as it was last semester. I am so glad I don't work here.
I feel like my work here is really going to come to an end soon.


08/29/2004 18:02 #31182

Really Bad Music
The elmwood art festival had really bad music today. I will put it on the radio so you can hear it. My favorite was Beer makes you fart, and drinking is an art. Th guy who was singing most of these songs really was bad . Hr followed a an entire day of honey-tonk and bluegrass.

The strange part is that he was talking about a song of his and how people were playing it at an afterparty, following the allentown art festival/chameloen fest. I think he was talking about (e:keith) 's party. Check it out.


08/29/2004 16:34 #31181

I really got side tracked this weekend, both getting ready for school and celebrating (e:terry) 's birthday. I fixed the stylebox so that it inserts styles where the cursor is located in the entry. I also added the weather box so you can check on local conditions. If you have a smaller screen scroll right, it just to the right of the Last 12 list.