(e:nickizen) , I am glad to see that someone else[inlink]nickizen,1[/inlink] has mentioned Coffee & (MAP TO: 718%20ELMWOOD%20AVENUE) other than me [inlink]paul,1263[/inlink]. It's sad to see so few people there, when Spot is always packed. I read in the paper that spot was franchising into the middle east. Does anyone have more detals on that?
[size=m]Looking for Coffee &[/size]
On The Web
If they do have a web site, it's sure hard to find. I think it has to do with the fact that their name was not the best idea in terms of computerized cataloging. While we can pretend that computers are not an important part of local neighborhood culture, the unfortunate truth is that the way they think, rules most of our lives. Especially in terms of information dispersal. For a human Cofee & = Coffe& = Coffee And. For a computer they are not the same.
The difficulty is compounded because if you search for "Coffee and" you get results that involve "coffe and anything." Coffee is an extremely common noun and " And" is a keyword on many search systems that means plus. While "&" is another special computer character that is often stripped in searches. That makes it not very good for searching.
Think about how many businesses and phone numbers you look up on the web. Basically, ambiguity is never good in a business name.
I tried using google new local beta which allows you to look for something including the address of the actual business. Ironically, if you search for "Coffe &" plus plus" 718 Elmwood Avenue Buffalo, NY 14222"

In The Phonebook
Even in the phonebook. What does one look under? Here are some samples that give me nothing on Verizon. There phone number is 884-3535 by the way, I found it on the foreverelmwood site

"Coffe &" - [business]Coffe &[/business] - gives me nothing of use
"Coffe And" - [business]Coffe And[/business] - gives me nothing of use
While for spot coffee:
"Spot Coffee" - [business]Spot Coffee[/business] and I get all four business locations.
Just Testing the URLs
www.coffe&.com is nothing but on the other hand www.coffeeand.com is something

I wrote to ask them how much they would want for it and they replied $7000. I basically told them to f(*&% , I hate internet barons.
[size=m]Neighbors Helping Neighbors - Web Model[/size]
Does Coffee And have a web page? I was thinking of helping them out with their net presence in return for them advertising for us. Kind of like a barter system with no cash trade.
While I cannot offer advertising on this site because of conflicts of interests with journals, I could hook them up with a web design student that could make them their own site, unless they already have one.
Does anyone know who I would talk to about this? If it works, I could end up making the same deal with other elmwood businesses. I would help my students build their portfolios, help get people talking about their neighborhood and recording their historical presencse, while helping local business. Could be an interesting model to develop.
[size=m]Offer Something Better[/size]
Event calendars and Reviews
A web site would allow them to post schedules, web cams of events, etc. Maybe they could be the first to have one of my all-purpose elmwoodstrip.com kiosks. Who knows? (e:ajay), would you want to work with me on that?
Wireless Internet Access
I can't stress this one enough. Maybe they already have this too but if they do its a secret. Having wireless internet would cost them about $30/month. I am sure between (e:ajay) [inlink]ajay,3[/inlink] and I, we could easily get them started. That is something very few other businesses are willing to offer. Namely spot coffeee. Off the Wall has it but I heard you have to pay, and that never brings people. Or maybe I am wrong and it does. Either way it would be a good service to offer.