(E:hodown) , it is not the protessters who are to blame. Blame the republicans for making the convention in NYC.
The protesters are not just going to have a fun time. They are going their to voice their opinions and opposition in the most public way and to show the world via mega media outlets that we as americans will not longer stand for George Bush's war mongering jingoism. Its something our country was built on.
By getting mad at them, you are doing the same thing your boss did to you.
I can't believe you really feel that way. What has happened to jessica, the not corporate robot version, I want her back. New York City is eating your soul. Did you ever think NYC was going to be an easy place to live. You moved there after 9-11 and worked next to the giant hole in the ground. That hole in the ground was the result of policies made, like those of our current administration. You can't just idley ignore the world. The protestors are working to try and make it so we don't have more attrocities like this in the future.
NYC will never be free of this type of drama. You should just leave if you can't handle it.