I gave the stuednts time in class today in order to work on a project. I decided to use the time to work on a project for myself. I decided that an alien, cyborg, rabbit, television would be nice to have. here are some renders. Work time 45 minutes.
>>update new renders with more to come
04/15/2004 15:35 #30865
Search Function
So I spent a lot of time building the search box, as people were not sure how to find information. However, nobody has used it yet!! Any questions, email me.
04/16/2004 03:51 #30864
Lake Shore Diner
We left our neighborhood in order to escape the exploitive high prices of the Pano's night tim emenu. We decided to head out to the Access Community neighborhood. I was astounded at how many young, preppy, suburbanites were there. I am glad I live in this neighborhood. It was like being at school on Long Island or on MTV.
The food was pretty tasty and very pricewrothy. However, the corwd was too much for my personal dining pleasure. Every two minutes some drunk person came in to try and pee. You would never see that at Pano's.
Now, I really don't believe Lauren when he says our neighborhood is pretentious and yuppified. But i prefer that to glamour style prep students any day. Call me a sellout.
04/14/2004 17:35 #30863
New Render from Josephines Project
I almost forgot to post this. I hope everything went well when she met Sara Diamond today. I know the computer was giving her a hard time.
04/13/2004 22:38 #30862
Trebor's New Site
This is Trebor's newest work - a database driven site about manhattan.
I realy like the concept. I have been working on similar code for the Elmwood site. You can expect something similar in the near future.