Today, I went to go see Sara Diamond, the director of the Banff New Media Institute speak at UB. She was pretty fantastic. I really wanted to scehdule a meeting with her but i felt like I had nothing to offer. I mean she is so pro globalization and I am so focused on localization.
During the speach she was talking about students texting during classes, and being able to think on multiple levels and multitask. I was actually recording the whole speach in little notes to post to the site. There was a lot of great information about merging scientists and artists in collaboration. Unfortunaelt, when I went to send the journal to the site, my phone lost service for some reaosn and it got deleted mid-way. That was the first time the technology really failed me. I mean I had an hours worth of great insite nd lost it all in a click.
Here are some sites that se mentioned.
Banff new media center

Horizonzero -

Digital Art Culture Online Magazine. Some of the issues are insane.
Codezebra -

Sharemyworld -

Note to self - please learn java immediately.