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04/16/2004 03:51 #30864

Lake Shore Diner
We left our neighborhood in order to escape the exploitive high prices of the Pano's night tim emenu. We decided to head out to the Access Community neighborhood. I was astounded at how many young, preppy, suburbanites were there. I am glad I live in this neighborhood. It was like being at school on Long Island or on MTV.

The food was pretty tasty and very pricewrothy. However, the corwd was too much for my personal dining pleasure. Every two minutes some drunk person came in to try and pee. You would never see that at Pano's.

Now, I really don't believe Lauren when he says our neighborhood is pretentious and yuppified. But i prefer that to glamour style prep students any day. Call me a sellout.

04/14/2004 17:35 #30863

New Render from Josephines Project
I almost forgot to post this. I hope everything went well when she met Sara Diamond today. I know the computer was giving her a hard time.


04/13/2004 22:38 #30862

Trebor's New Site
This is Trebor's newest work - a database driven site about manhattan.


I realy like the concept. I have been working on similar code for the Elmwood site. You can expect something similar in the near future. -

04/13/2004 22:32 #30861

Sara Diamond and Banff

Today, I went to go see Sara Diamond, the director of the Banff New Media Institute speak at UB. She was pretty fantastic. I really wanted to scehdule a meeting with her but i felt like I had nothing to offer. I mean she is so pro globalization and I am so focused on localization.

During the speach she was talking about students texting during classes, and being able to think on multiple levels and multitask. I was actually recording the whole speach in little notes to post to the site. There was a lot of great information about merging scientists and artists in collaboration. Unfortunaelt, when I went to send the journal to the site, my phone lost service for some reaosn and it got deleted mid-way. That was the first time the technology really failed me. I mean I had an hours worth of great insite nd lost it all in a click.

Here are some sites that se mentioned.

Banff new media center - The art center she directs

Horizonzero -
Digital Art Culture Online Magazine. Some of the issues are insane.

Codezebra - Her perosnal site/program that organizes data visualization and communication between groups of people.

Sharemyworld - Site about the situation of the black male.

Note to self - please learn java immediately.

04/13/2004 22:22 #30860

Dingus Day
Last night we attended two Dingus Day celebrations thanks to emily's party tip. Matthew is Polish and so he was excited to see his people en masse. Who would have ever thought that Polish people were such serious partiers? Who would have ever thought that Matthew was allergic to pussy willow. I guess its appropriate.


There were so many people out at the Hearth Stone Manor. All three banquet rooms were connected together and it was more packed than any wedding I have ever seen. At first I figured it would be all old people but it wasn't.

Aftewards we went down to some Polish club on the east side. I think it may have been a Polish Falkon club or something. A man there had a giant Polish historical collection. It was neat to see. I guess there is a museum upstairs that is open on weekdays. Unfortunately, we missed the Polish music and traditional dancing. I ended up getting really drunk because the guy at the bar was not really a bar tender. I asked for Gin and he asked me what it was, and then asked if Vodka was ok. I said sure and he gave me a glass of vodka dn acted as if it was really normal. So I drank it. Whoa, thankfully there was food - Polish sausage to be exact.

To add the recent unconfortable social moments that make me never want to go out in Buffalo. I ended up seeing some people from high school who I did not expect made it very far in life, so to play it safe, I played down my life. Then it turned out they were sucessful and I just looked like an idiot.